22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Hell on Wheels 5.9: A Good Night for Bohannon

A very satisfying Hell on Wheels 5.9 last night, as Bohannon finally ends up in bed with a woman he loves.

Let's face it - that woman was not Naomi.  The only reason he married her was because he got her pregnant, and wanted to do the right, honorable thing.  He came to love her in a way, and of course their boy William, but it makes sense that he would ultimately accept her decision to go with Isaac, painful as it was for all concerned.

The only woman we've seen Bohannon truly and fully love up until now was Lily, and her murder by the Swede was one of the worst moments both for Bohannon and the show.  But there has been something building up between him and Fong all season, and it was good to see it finally explode into action last night.

Maybe love is too strong a word for what Bohannon currently feels for her, but he certainly feels something far different than what he felt for Naomi.   With the series close to ending, we can now hope for a happy ending for Bohannon, even with Naomi choosing Isaac.

Meanwhile, it was good to see Durant back in action again, if not quite - as always - in solvent and totally legal business.  We know of course from history that he did complete the railroad, and continued to be beset by financial scandals and sanctions for his wheelings and dealings before, during, and after the final completion of the track.   But it will be fun to see exactly how this plays out as this unique series comes to a close.

See also Hell on Wheels 5.1: Rails and Truckee ... Hell on Wheels 5.2: Mei and Cullen ... Hell on Wheels 5.3: Prejudice ... Hell on Wheels 5.8: Letting Him Live?

And see also Hell on Wheels 4.1-2: Rolling Again ... Hell on Wheels 4.5: New Blood ... Hell on Wheels 4.6: Bear and Sanity ... Hell on Wheels 4.7: Why? ... Hell on Wheels 4.8: Aftermath and Rebound ... Hell on Wheels 4.9: High Noon ... Hell on Wheels 4.10: A Tale of Two Sicko Killers ... Hell on Wheels 4.11: The Redemption of Ruth ... Hell on Wheels 4.12: Infuriating and Worthwhile ... Hell on Wheels Season 4 Finale: The Buffalo

And see also Hell on Wheels 3.1-2: Bohannan in Command ... Hell on Wheels 3.3: Talking and Walking ... Hell on Wheels 3.4: Extreme Lacrosse ... Hell on Wheels 3.5: The Glove ... Hell on Wheels 3.6: The Man in Charge ...Hell on Wheels 3.7: Water, Water ... Hell on Wheels 3.8: Canterbury Tales ...Hell on Wheels 3.9: Shoot-Out and Truths ... Hell on Wheels Season 3 finale: Train Calling in the Distance

And see also  Hell on Wheels: Blood, Sweat, and Tears on the Track, and the Telegraph ... Hell on Wheels 1.6: Horse vs. Rail ... Hell on Wheels 1.8: Multiple Tracks ... Hell on Wheels 1.9: Historical Inevitable and Unknown ... Hell on Wheels Season One Finale: Greek Tragedy, Western Style

deeper history


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