And it was a pretty good story, too, tonight, with at least one other outstanding line, "I am not your foot," said by a foot, and somehow reminiscent of Donovan's "I Love My Shirt," though there's nothing fruit case about that, as Rosenfeld (kudos to the late, great Miguel Ferrer) says about that poor blogger who is actually one of the few people who is not insane in this warped gem of a series returned.
Because that blogger has seen the alternate dimension, the one that spawned the bad Cooper and somehow Dougie too. But the good news is that word of the two Coopers is now beginning to leak out. To show you how far gone I am, by the way, our neighbors have a little dog named Cooper, I've known that since they bought the house next door about a year ago, but it just today occurred to me that maybe they named the dog after Cooper from Twin Peaks, as the lady of the house was calling after the dog to stop furiously barking, probably about a rabbit, but who knows. (I'm pretty sure she doesn't read this blog.)
But if that is true - that the dog next door was named after our Cooper - the question is which one, the good one or the bad one, and why?
Possibly the tormented blogger would know - leave it to Lynch to put the truth in the mouth of a blogger - and I'm glad that someone, some living breathing being from this, our, dimension, has seen some of what is actually going on, because that provides hope for the rest of us.
Hey, I just wanted to also mention that, in addition to Lost, I'd say Fargo (the TV series), Heroes, and lots of Tarantino's work is inspired by Twin Peaks, and that's nothing to sneeze at, but worth pointing out in someone's blog.
See also Twin Peaks: The Return 1.1-2: Superluminal Sans Cherry Pie ... 1.3-4: Coffee and Cole ... 1.5: The Mod Squad Meets Big Love in the Diner ... 1.6: Red Door and Childish Scribbles ... 1.7: Lost and Not Lost ... 1.8: Atom Bomb and Mr. Homn
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