22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Evil 1.10: The Influencer

A powerful, frightening Evil 1.10 - befitting the Fall finale of the new series - and an episode that really lifted Evil into a higher, more harrowing level of story, which of course also befits a series with this name.

Two members of our team - Kristen and David - are afflicted with different, but likely related perils.  Likely, because I'd say Leland the neo-devil is probably behind both of them, though at this point we know that for sure only with Kristen.

The episode begins with an ear-worm of a Christmas song, so annoying that I was thinking of turning off the sound and reading just the transcript on the screen, lest I be affected, too.  But annoyance is not the real danger or the worst possible effect of the initial conveyor of the song, a young woman influencer who makes a make-up (as in powder) video for young teenagers.  The danger is a male voice talking on a frequency that only teenagers hear, urging them to commit suicide.  (I'm wondering if there is such a frequency. Yahoo says there is.  But I don't have time to further research this, and, anyway, I'm in television-drama review, not research, mood.)

But the frequency makes a good evil plot point, and the real kicker is that Leland gave the influencer the video souped up with the sub-rosa male voice.  And it worked - the video increased her followers from two thousand to two million.  Leland, as I noted in an earlier review, is turning out to be a real devil in Evil.  And, in this episode, he also, somehow, influences Kristen's mother Sheryl to influence granddaughter Lexi to hit another girl with a rock in Lexi's fist, after said girl pushes Lexi down and she scrapped her knee.  It's becoming more clear, with every episode, that Leland deserves the title of The Influencer, with the capital "I". and this Influencer is the Devil.

Meanwhile, David is also experiencing some problems, mostly connected to the sister of his late beloved, whom he slept with last week (that is, the sister).  In the last scene, these weirdnesses culminate with David being badly stabbed. Here, I'll offer again my principle that if we don't see someone's head chopped off or blown up, and he or she is the star of the show, chances are he or she will survive.

We don't know, though, exactly how Leland is connected with this.  If he isn't, what else is going on?  We'll no doubt find out when the show returns in 2020.

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