22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Prodigal Son 1.9: Freud and Eve

A hot and powerful Prodigal Son 1.9 last week, with lots of sex and death - or, as Freud, mentioned by Bright at the beginning of the episode, would have put it, libido and thanatos.

The libido comes in the form of a sex club, and in the budding relationship between Bright and Eve.  The thanatos comes in the form of the dead bodies that result from the sex club - which Bright and his team investigate - and what Bright almost does to Eve.

The first - the sex club and the investigation - are a good, standard, sex-oriented police story, which includes Bright almost in bondage to one of principals of the club.  The second is much more serious, with lasting consequences for Bright and Eve.

First, Bright, on his first date with Eve, profiles her, which results in her leaving in tears.  But she shows up later.  They have good sex together - presumably, we saw only the aftermath - but when Bright wakes up, with Eve sleeping on his shoulder in bed beside him, things take a turn for the worse.

Bright after awakening goes into his dream state, imagining the woman whom his father killed - the oft-mentioned girl in the box.  Bright breaks away, but she - the hallucination - comes after him.  Bright takes a knife and waves it at her--  but it's Eve, who has awoken, not the hallucination.

Not good for their relationship, to say the least.  Bright has shown himself to be more dangerous than damaged goods.   Bad news for the relationship, good news for the continuing narrative, which continues to get more compelling with every episode.

See alsoProdigal Son: A New Serial Killer ... Prodigal Son 1.2: Dreams or Memories? ... Prodigal Son 1.3: LSD and Chloroform ... Prodigal Son 1.4: Ainsley ... Prodigal Son 1.6: Bad Boy ... Prodigal Son 1.7: Apprentices ... Prodigal Son 1.8: The Mentee

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