Exactly how has this happened, when in previous seasons nothing seemed to work for House? The only explanation given, sort of, by House himself, is the power of the psychotherapy he went through at the beginning of this season.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Meanwhile, House and Cuddy continue to be on the verge of falling into each other's arms, Wilson still hasn't gotten over Amber, and Chase is in full internal conflict over his killing of Dibala.
This is putting Chase and Cameron on a collision course. He hasn't told her, and she knows something is wrong (she would have to be unconscious not to). Chase seeks absolution from a priest tonight, and only gets advice he cannot use to turn himself in.
House and Foreman are Chase's only confidants in this, and in their own ways they are trying to help him. But it's not at all clear that Chase will come out of this, and the moral agony he's going through is giving us a story as powerful as House's himself this season.
Will be fun and instructive, as always, to see where this takes us in November.
4-min podcast review of House
See also House Reborn in Season Six? ... 6.2: The Gang is Back and Fractured ... 6.3: The Saving Hitler Quandary ... 6.4: Diagnosis vs. Karma
The Plot to Save Socrates
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i found this a great episode but do you think the priest really wouldn't give him absolution, I mean even in the godfather they gave him absolution.
I was thinking the same thing, Dawn - I guess, in situations like that, it depends upon the personal judgement of the priest, and which he feels is more important, granting absolution or protecting society (in the priest's view) from further deaths...
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