I was interviewed by Lawrence O'Donnell on KCRW National Public Radio's "To The Point" this past Friday about the continuing WGA strike and its impact. This was a return engagement for me - I was interviewed on KCRW's "Which Way L.A." about the strike by Warren Olney at its outset in the beginning of November.
The most significant part of Friday's interview, from my perspective, was an exchange of sorts between me and Shawn Ryan - a member of the WGA negotiating team, and creator, among many other important accomplishments in television, of the critically acclaimed "The Shield".
I said, at the conclusion of my interview, that I thought the television viewers were being hurt the most by this strike, and then the writers themselves.
Shawn Ryan responded, with more than a bit of derision, that, well, of course it's unfortunate that television viewers are being inconvenienced by not being able to see their favorite shows, but obviously writers who are not getting paid during the strike, and need the money to live, are being hurt far more.
Radio - even NPR - being what it is, I never got the chance to respond. But that's what they make blogs for, so here's what I would have said:
First, of course writers are suffering more due to the loss of income during the strike, and the damage that creates. Indeed, one of my main points before and during the strike has been that the writers are hurting themselves more than those they are striking against.
But dollars and cents and the essential things they buy are not the only things of great value being damaged by the strike.
There is also a psychic, cultural damage, that is very different from the sheer economics, but can affect far more people, and have a much longer impact.
Television viewing of scripted shows, like all forms of narrative appreciation, is based on what Samuel Taylor Coleridge called a "willing suspension of disbelief" - we know that what we're seeing is not real, but a part of our mind pretends that it is. This allows us to make the story our own - to care, sometimes deeply, about the story and its characters. We take time out of our busy lives to read the book, go to the movies, watch television.
In the case of television, this process can be especially profound. We become engaged in continuing series, on screens that cost us little or nothing to watch, in our living rooms and bedrooms. When this process clicks, the characters and the stories can become almost essential parts of our lives. This is what the television industry hopes will happen - and, contrary to what many critics of television in the academic world say, I think that's by and large a very good thing. (See my book, The Soft Edge, for more of my championship of television and its benefits.)
This is what is being jeopardized by the strike, and it's more than a mere inconvenience. Although series are not yet being stopped in mid-stream, their relationships with viewers are being seriously disrupted. Lost, which had such a fabulous finale in May, will debut its new season at the end of January - but with only eight episodes. 24, which was supposed to start in January, won't go on at all. Mad Men, which had a superb and pathbreaking first season on AMC, was supposed to start production on season 2 in November - and that's now on hold. And this is just the beginning.
Comparing these jeopardized viewer relationships to writers not receiving income during the strike is obviously comparing apples and oranges.
But a shattering of the bond between television viewer and television may be irreversible - and lead to something which cannot be healed by money - viewers going elsewhere, to non-television screens, for their entertainment.
This in no way lets the television networks and producers off the hook for being so stingy and unfair to writers.
But it means the WGA should think again about how long it will keep the strike going. Writers can convey their arguments to the producers - and the public - without being on strike. Reason can prevail without risking the destruction of the medium that the writers toil so hard to make alive.
"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel," William Gibson began his 1984 Neuromancer. Let's hope that doesn't describe the future of television...
reviewing 3 Body Problem; Black Doves; Bosch; Criminal Minds; Dark Matter; Dexter: Original Sin; Dune: Prophecy; For All Mankind; Foundation; Hijack; House of the Dragon; Luther; Outlander; Presumed Innocent; Prime Target; Reacher; Severance; Silo; Slow Horses; Star Trek: Strange New Worlds; Surface; The: Ark, Day of the Jackal, Diplomat, Last of Us, Way Home; You +books, films, music, podcasts, politics
George Santayana had irrational faith in reason - I have irrational faith in TV.
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But a shattering of the bond between television viewer and television may be irreversible - and lead to something which cannot be healed by money - viewers going elsewhere, to non-television screens, for their entertainment.
I doubt it. We are the same people who will wait for 9 months for a new season of Galactica, 4 years for Futurama, etc.
Sure we, the television viewer may go outside, maybe find other interests, but when the Siren of the Tube calls, we will all respond.
No one has shorter memories than the American Public.
It will all play out exactly like the kids in the Simpson's Episode:
Itchy & Scratchy & Marge.
I don't care how long it takes, I think the writers should be fairly compensated.
There is more than enough media for me to catch up on. I can wait.
cap'n - I hope you're right, but network television vieweship has already declined 10% for CBS and NBC, and 5% for ABC, in 2007 ... and this of course was before any impact from the strike ...
see http://www.crainsnewyork.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071223/FREE/465255421/1010/rss26&rssfeed=rss26
Thanks for your response Paul.
Speaking as a man on the street and not as a pro, my take on the drop in viewership is the result of poor ratings measurement in the face of the possibility of the year round season, the and the disgust we the viewers have with reality programming and new shows that get canceled within a few episodes before we can get to know them.
I'm sure there are many more variables at play here, but as Joe Schmo, I can say with confidence: good content will pull me in.
:) well, let's just hope that there are numerous Joe Schmos like you out there...
Unfortunately, moronic reality programming is exactly what the networks will be bandying about when the quality scripted programming runs dry...
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