22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

NBC's Journeyman in Second Life: Media Within Media Within Media...

And here I am, plugging NBC's Journeyman, in Adele Ward's Meet the Author interview with me...

Or, more precisely, it's my avatar plugging Journeyman, on Adele Ward's Meet the Author show in Second Life, as broadcast on the web via SLCN.tv ...

You gotta love this: a shout-out for a network television series, via webcast of an interview in a virtual world...

A good example of an observation I first made in Digital McLuhan. The distinction we often make between medium (say, television) and content (Journeyman) is too simple. What we really have are media within media within media, almost ad infinitum ...

Also a good example of how Second Life is increasingly spilling over and into real life - as I pointed out in my Second Life Meets Real Life piece on Internet Evolution a few weeks ago.

So, when you look at the above ad, you're seeing the medium of this blog, which contains the medium of a YouTube video, which contains my plug for Journeyman, which is itself a clip from SLCN.tv's webcast of my (avatar's) interview by Adele Ward('s avatar) in Second Life ...

Little boxes ... no, that's Weeds ... though weeds, viral marketing, and media within media all partake of a kind of dandelion spore dissemination...

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