22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Something to Take on the Trip

Hey, I just wanted to let you know my story, "And the Chimps Shall Lead," is available in the brand new anthology, Something to Take on the Trip, for which all sales proceeds go to a children's charity. You'll find details about the anthology and the charity over here.

In addition to my story, you'll find short works by Kevin J. Anderson, David Gerrold, and lots of other authors in this book.   Each story is around 1,000 words, and can be read on a short trip - hence the title.  Here's a list of all the authors in this antho:

Kevin J. Anderson, Aditi Bathia, Graham Brand, Donald R. Broyles, Cora Buhlert, Neil Bursnoll, Jamie Campbell, Michael Carmella, T.L. Champion, Helen Cho, Samuel Clements, J. David Core, Cate Dean, Stephen Drivick, Dan Fiorella, Erin Garlock, David Gerrold, Edward M. Grant, Sheila Guthrie, Jamie Horyski, Mary Kincaid, Paul B. Kohler, Paul Levinson, Kevin A. Lyons, Kelly Lytle, Ron McLarty, John L. Monk, Lindy Moone, E. Percy Muove, Debadatta Pati, Dario Solera, H.S. Stone, Joe Tannian, Vincent Trigili, Karen Tucker, Rich Walls, Stella Wilkinson, Richard Wolanski and Frank Zubek.

What's my story about?  Well, let's just say that I've always thought the natural world all around us can provide solutions to our most vexing problems, especially illnesses.

This is the second time in the past few months I've contributed a science fiction story to a charity antho - what's going on with me? :)   The first was in December, when my short story "Transfer of Power" was published in Something for the Journey.

Hey, even if you're not going on a trip, there's some very good reading in these anthos, and your money goes to a worthy cause, Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal, a charity to benefit a children’s hospital in Bristol.

See also my blog post about Something for the Journey

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