22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Prodigal Son 1.7: Apprentices

An outstanding, even pivotal episode 1.7 of Pivotal Son last week, in which all kinds of alliances are revealed and created.

The big one features Bright handing over a scalpel - aka knife, weapon - to his father, the Surgeon, unshackled in his prison cell.  He does this at the insistence of his sister, Ainsley, who has come with her cameraman to interview her father.  The cameraman gets stabbed by a psycho on the loose in the prison.  It's a serious wound, and only Dr. Whitly's expertise can save him.

Which he does, and then returns the weapon to Bright, which instantly turns Ainsley from a staunch critic to a devoted fan.  It was no surprise that the Surgeon somehow set all of this up.  The fun was seeing it unfold and learning how that happened.

The key is that the Surgeon has apprentices, students, in and out of prison.  This has suddenly thrown Prodigal Son into The Following territory, and that's exciting and desperate terrain.  A group of psychos following a sinister master can do a lot more damage than the master himself, especially when he's locked up for life in prison.

One question, though, is the how the prison stabber could have had precisely enough prowess with the scalpel to wound the cameraman exactly the way the Surgeon wanted it.   But that's a small quibble to a generally eye-opening episode that really moved the series along,

Tonight's episode will be on in less than an hour, and I'll be back with a more timely review.

See alsoProdigal Son: A New Serial Killer ... Prodigal Son 1.2: Dreams or Memories? ... Prodigal Son 1.3: LSD and Chloroform ... Prodigal Son 1.4: Ainsley ... Prodigal Son 1.6: Bad Boy


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