"Paul Levinson's It's Real Life is a page-turning exploration into that multiverse known as rock and roll. But it is much more than a marvelous adventure narrated by a master storyteller...it is also an exquisite meditation on the very nature of alternate history." -- Jack Dann, The Fiction Writer's Guide to Alternate History

Monday, November 11, 2019

Prodigal Son 1.8: The Mentee

Prodigal Son 1.8 brought us the story, in Ainsley's apt words, "the mentee" - of the Surgeon, that is, and not just another apprentice.  Paul is the most developed psycho we've seen so far, and holds at least some of the keys to Bright's past.

Paul confirms what Bright dimly remembers about the last girl his father killed. Gil now acknowledges her likely existence, and admits that he may have wrong to dismiss her as just a Bright nightmare.   Paul gives Bright that elusive bracelet.  And, as a demonstration of his power, escapes the police and Bright, and ends the episode fully at large.

Before we go any further, I have a feeling - not yet quite a theory - about that girl.  I'm wondering if she may be yet alive.  And someone that we already know.  A really wild possibility would be Eve.  No evidence at all about this - as yet.

Back to the mentee.  A big question is whether he's working, has been working all this time, with the Surgeon, or is doing all of this on his own?  As I mentioned in my review of last week's episode, a similar issue arose in The Following.  When you get to such high levels of murderous psychosis, it's not always clear who is calling the shots.

It's also not impossible that Paul drew Martin into the serial killer game.  An important question is exactly when in Martin's life did he start his killing?  Before or after he became a surgeon, or maybe during his training.  Before or after he married Jessica?

We're getting some answers, but each time we get one some more questions arise.  A good place to be in series about serial killers.

See alsoProdigal Son: A New Serial Killer ... Prodigal Son 1.2: Dreams or Memories? ... Prodigal Son 1.3: LSD and Chloroform ... Prodigal Son 1.4: Ainsley ... Prodigal Son 1.6: Bad Boy ... Prodigal Son 1.7: Apprentices

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