22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Friday, March 13, 2020

The Outsider Season One Finale: Nearly Happy Ending

So as long as I'm reviewing sicko shows, I might as well say a few things about The Outsider's season one finale, on HBO last Sunday evening.

It started with Jack, under the evil entity's control, killing more of our pinned-down posse, along with some in the reinforcement car.  But a part of Jack responds to Holly, which leads him to stop shooting and allow himself to get bitten by a rattle snake.  One down and El Cuco him/itself to go, and Ralph gets him/it, too.

That was the harrowing action part.  But not the end of the story.  The rest is almost a happy ending, as the authorities move to clear Terry Maitland, while keeping El Cuco under wraps.  Ralph and Jeannie make as much peace as they can with the loss of their son.  Ralph and Dolly hug, and wonder if they might be teaming together again someday.

So why isn't this just a happy ending?  Because there's some evil spirit left in this world, as we see in the last scene with Holly.  Is El Cuco still around, somehow?  Is another evil being taunting Holly?  Is the evil in some way in Holly herself?  I hope not.

But there's talk of a second season, and it would be intriguing indeed to find out what's going on with Holly.  She'll no doubt contact Ralph sooner or later.  Cynthia Erivo and Ben Mendelsohn put in primo performances as Holly and Ralph, and a nearly happy ending is a perfect reason for a new season, and I'm up for seeing that when it comes back on HBO.

See also The Outsider 1.1-2:  Two Places at the Same Time ... The Outsider 1.7: The Tear-Drinker ... The Outsider 1.7: The Guy with the Neck ... The Outsider 1.8: Two Monsters ... The Outlander 1.9: A Bit of Clarity

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