22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Outsider 1.5: The Tear-Drinker

Ok, here, are best I can tell, is where we are with The Outsider, as of tonight's episode 1.5 on HBO:

At least three murders of children have been committed by doppelgangers.   Molly, who seems to be the most knowledgeable about is going on, thinks that some kind of evil entity is at work - a bogeyman, is the least arcane name for it.   More important, he or whatever it is feeds on people's grief - drinks their tears, as our saner characters are coming to realize.  ("Tear Drinker" is the title of this episode.  I rarely use the given titles in my reviews, but this was too apt to pass up.)

There aren't too many of them on hand, by the way.  Molly, a private investigator with a taste for the evil supernatural, seems to be in her right mind.  Her logic is leading her to supernatural conclusions.  Ralph is also rational, and not quite yet ready to accept what Molly is telling him.  But he's becoming a believer.   The stripclub owner and the other cop - the one who wants back into police work - I'm not too sure about.  I'm not even sure they're two different people.  At least one of them, I think, has that half-eaten neck - that is, his neck looks half eaten.  Presumably that's the work of the bogeyman?

Meanwhile, the bogeyman is upping his game.  He's not only lurking around under a hoodie, but he's warning Ralph's wife Jeannie, telling her that Ralph and she will die unless Ralph drops the case.  Assuming that guy is the bogeyman, and not some other kind of spirit trying to help.  Nah, I think he's the tear-drinking bogeyman.

So there you have it.  This is a noir detective into horror story to the max, all the more intense because the depredation is as much psychological as physical, and the scenery is somehow pastoral and horrific at the same time.  I have no idea how this will end, which is why I'll keep watching.

See also The Outsider 1.1-2:  Two Places at the Same Time

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