22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Sinner 3.7: Confession and Connection

A powerful, pivotal episode 3.7 of The Sinner last night, in which Harry's decision to spend the night in a grave bears fruit.  Of course, given that this is The Sinner, Harry's insano strategy bears fruit that is not entirely sweet.

He gets a confession from Jamie - recorded - after the written confession is burned.  But it doesn't stand up in court, because Jamie's attorney lets the judge know that Harry has been more than a detective investigating Jamie.  They have become, well, also friends.

And that's indeed the crux of this story.  Jamie is seeking to recreate with Harry the relationship Jamie had with Nick (whom Jamie let die).  And Harry finds in Jamie someone who can speak to that inchoate vulnerability, searing sensitivity to life and its bruises that Harry has always carried in his soul.

And, therefore, the judge releases Jamie.  And (of course) there's a steep price to be paid.  Jamie kills Harry's boss in a scene shot in Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx, where my wife grew up, and where we lived and raised two kids, until we moved a bit up north.  Fortunately, we never ran into Jamie on those steep stairs.

Next week is the season finale.  I have to say that, with last night's next-to-last of the season episode, this year's Sinner had fallen into much better place.  Of course, I mean that in terms of plot, not what's happening to the characters, and I'll let you know what I think of how all of that works out next week.

See also The Sinner 3.1: Second Degree Murder, First Degree Detective ... The Sinner 3.2:  The Contractor and the Contractee ... The Sinner 3.3: The Baby Monster ... The Sinner 3.4-5: Why Doesn't Harry Just Arrest Jamie ... The Sinner 3.6: Faustian Bargains

And see also The Sinner 2.1: The Boy ... The Sinner 2.2:  Heather's Story ... The Sinner 2.3: Julian's Mother ... The Sinner 2.5: The Scapegoat ... The Simmer 2.7: Occluded Past Unwound - Mostly ... The Sinner Season 2 Finale: The Ambiguity of Harry

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