22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Severance Season One Finale: Stunning Revelations

We could see from almost the beginning of the stunning Season One finale of Severance on Apple TV+ that we were going to be in for some utterly game-changing revelations.

[Spoilers ahead ... ]

Let's start with two that are significant, indeed, but hardly the most powerful that roll out before episode is over.  There seemed to be, I don't know, maybe rockets or spaceships in Irving's outie black guck paintings.  Chances are he didn't come from another planet.  But is his outie a retired astronaut?  The other early revelation worthy of note is Dylan has to continue to keep his hands on those levers, in order for the innies to continue in their outie bodies.  With his arms spread widely apart to keep his hands on the levers, this is no easy job, and Dylan almost looks like he's in a state of crucifixion as he gives life to his innie friends in the outside world.

And then things get really interesting.  Helly's outie is an Eagan -- that is, a member of the family of the Eagans who run Lumon -- and daughter of the Eagan who invented the severing chip.  No wonder Lumon took her attempted suicide so seriously.

And even more incredible: Mark's innie learns that his outie decided to go for the severance procedure because his outie couldn't deal with the death of his beloved wife (we knew that already).  But in a shocker to top all shockers, Mark's innie discovers that she's not dead at all, and in fact she's the shrink or social worker or whatever the title is of the woman who talks to the innies and asks them questions (that seem inane to us outies) in an effort to help them better adjust.  No wonder we saw some sexual energy between them.

Irving has a far less momentous conclusion -- or so it seems -- to his innie's brief inhabiting of his outie's life:  he's furiously knocking on the door of Burt's outie, whom Irving has seen living happily with another man.

But before we find out what happens with Irving -- and with Helly and with Mark -- their innies are severed from their outer bodies.  Milchick, contacted by Harmony (turns out she's still loyal to Lumon, after all), breaks in on Dylan, and ends his literal leveraging of his innie colleagues ...

We'll need to find out what happens next year in the next season, when I'll be back for sure with a review, unless Lumon somehow gets to me, too.

See also Severance 1.1-1.2:  Erving Goffman Meets The Prisoner ... Severance 1.3: The History and the Neighbor ... Severance 1.4: Deadly Ambiguity ... Severance 1.5: Second Lives ... Severance 1.6: Lumon on the Outside ... Severance 1.7: Overtime Contingency ... Severance 1.8: Fired, Kissed, Almost Fired

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