22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

24 Season 9.9: The Reason for No Silent Clock, Misleading Coming Attractions, and the New Villain

Well, now we know why there was no silent clock for President Heller last week:  he didn't die.   Jack wouldn't let it happen, as I said in my review of 24 Season 9.7.   Indeed, the only reason why I thought maybe Heller did die, after seeing 9.8, is that the coming attractions were misleading.  Ok, it was indeed a dark day for America, for a little while.  That part was true, while everyone (except Jack) thought Heller was dead.  But why did the voice over then go on about all that was left for Jack was revenge? - when as we saw last night in 9.9, Jack had to get Margot and son not for revenge, but to stop the last missile, which he does.

Anyway, 9.9 was another great episode, with the great twist of Heller living, even if the coming attractions from last week were deceptive.   And with Margot out of the way - in one of the really primo deaths of the series, as Jack throws her out of the window -- we now get to another killer, the megalomaniacal Adrian, the Julian Assange type, who is turning out to be much worse than Assange ever was (indeed some people, including me, think Assange has actually done much good with Wikileaks).

In a nice hand-off to the new villain, we see that Adrian has Navarro completely under his thumb, in case there was the slightest doubt before.  Navarro manages to escape after Jack makes the connection to Jordan's killing, and he's escaped with the deadly drive that apparently can command a lot more than drones, if the new coming attractions for next week's 9.10 can be believed.

And, the nice kicker is that Chloe has a relationship with Adrian, which has been slightly hinted at previously.    This will put her right her in Jack's sights as he tracks Adrian - and it will be fun to see how this plays out.    At least Jack will be fortified by his new-found almost rekindled relationship with Audrey, who is understandably beyond grateful that he saved her father's life.   There's no way she'll stand idly by if she catches any inkling about Mark and the on-and-off plan to turn Jack over to the Russians.

See also 24 Season 9 Hours 1 and 2: The Sheer Intelligent Adrenalin Is Bac... 24 Season 9.3: Shades of Disloyalties ... 24 Season 9.4: Brass Tacks and Strong Women ... 24 Season 9.5: Jack and Audrey .. 24 Season 9.6: Expendable In-Laws ... 24 Season 9.7: Silent Clock in President Heller's Future ... 24 Season 9.8: Clearing the Deck

And see also Season 8 reviews: Hours 1 and 2 ... Hours 3 and 4 ... Hour 5 ...Hour 6 ... Hour 7 ... Hour 8 ... Hour 9 ... Hour 10 ... Hour 11 ... Hour 12... Hour 13 ... Hour 14 ... Hours 15-16 ... Hour 17 ... Hour 18 ... Hour 19... Hour 20 ... Hour 21 ... Hour 22 ... 24 Forever!

And see also Season 7 reviewsHours 1 and 2 ... Hours 3 and 4 ... Hour 5... Hour 6 ... Hour 7 ... Hour 8 ... Hour 9 ... Hour 10 ... Hours 11-12 ...Hour 13 ... Hour 14 ... Hour 15 ... Hour 16 ... Hour 17 ... Hour 18 ... Hour 19 ... Hour 20 ... Hour 21 ... Hour 22  ... Hours 23-24  

And see also Season 6 reviews: Hours 1 and 2 ... Hours 3 and 4 ... Hour 5 ... Hour 6 ... Hour 7 ... Hours 8 and 9 ... Hour 10 ... Hour 11 ... Hour 12 ... Hour 13 ... Hour 14 ... Hour 15 ... Hour 16 ... Hour 17 ... Hour 18... Hour 19 ... Hour 20 ... Hour 21 ... Hour 22 ... Hours 23-24


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