22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist 1.2: Moondance

Well, the best song in Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist 1.2 on Sunday was "Moondance" - though there was some fine singing and dancing in "I Got the Music In Me," the opening number.

But Peter Gallagher's performance of "Moondance" was just right.  And Zoey's attempt to understand what her father was trying to convey, from just making love with his wife, Zoey's mother, to recapturing the first time he told her he loved was just right, too.

As to the rest, I'd prefer more singing and less office complexity.   I mean, the ambience and the lingo in the office is cool enough, but the story of Zoey finding her footing as boss has been done countless times before.  I'd rather see Zoey find her footing on the office floor as dance floor, as she sings and moves with someone singing a great song.

That's the most interesting part of the narrative - Zoey trying to explain how she got her super power, and, as she increasingly understands it, using it in all kinds of creative and worthwhile ways, as she's beginning to do with her father.  Musicals always have to find the right balance between the music and the plot, and Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist has the additional challenge and opportunity to work in the science fictional aspect of this, too.

There is actually and always has been a special connection between music and science fiction, as in the music of the spheres.   And, consider the playlist below ...

See also Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist: Science Fiction Musical

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