22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Homeland 8.3: Ohio

Well, with our 2020 Presidential campaigns and primaries now in full swing in our reality, I couldn't help but find the domestic political intrigue in Homeland 8.3 enticing, too.

The gist is VP Ralph Warner became President at the end of last season in the wake of President Elizabeth Keane's resignation.  The Keane character was clearly created with the notion that Hillary Clinton would become President in our reality.  That would make Warner ... who? Tim Kaine?  I guess so.  And in tonight's episode 8.3, we find that the Republican Warner made VP in the interest of national unity may be running for President, too.  And he's rather abrasive.  'Nuf said.

I also thought that Ohio moving up its primary to come right after the Iowa caucus was politically astute, too.  One of the biggest problems with our current primary system, often noted, is that it begins in two states that are not representative of the American populace.  Bear in mind that this final season of Homeland was written and produced before our primary season began earlier this month.  That will make it especially interesting to see how the VP spending time in Ohio pans out.

Meanwhile, I agree with the Taliban leader that he was not wise to let his son walk free.  I of course 100% get his motivation as a father.  But he may have been signing his own political and physical death warrant.  Saul should have been more on top of this, too.  I'm saying the son should have been killed.  But why not kept under lock and key?

But it was good to see Carrie get closer to Yevgeny, and learn along with her that he saved her life.  She deserves a little lasting happiness, and I'd like to see them together and whole at the end of this series.

And see also  Homeland on Showtime ... Homeland 1.8: Surprises ... Homeland Concludes First Season: Exceptional

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