22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Person of Interest 1.10: Carter Returns the Favor

Person of Interest percolated along quite well last night in episode 1.10, which featured Carter coming into the fold - or, at least, saving Reese and Finch from CIA operatives intent on killing Reese and Finch, too, if he got in the way.

How did we and Carter get there?

Well, Resse saved Carter's bacon last week, but she's been a tough cookie of an NYPD detective, and didn't show much sign of doing anything other than wanting to arrest Reese, even after last week.  Indeed, she set the CIA on to where Reese would be in 1.10.

Reese and Finch already had their hands full with four not one number coming up, and two down and out (as in dead) before their murders could be stopped.  In addition, Reese's old CIA colleagues, who until recently thought Reese was dead, are now after him, too.

Carter's conversion was a memorable moment.  It was the other shoe falling after last week's episode, and will profoundly change the series (for the good, as I've been saying).  She's a human being, who feels guilty about setting Reese up, after he saved her life.   With Reese shot by the CIA-hole, and making a desperate attempt to escape, it seems at first that only Finch will come to his rescue.  Which he bravely does - against Reese's insistence that Finch should stay away - but it's not quite fast enough, and Carter gets the drop on both of them, before they can drive away.  But-

Carter gives them a pass.  Which means the duo now not only have Fusco (drolly called "fiasco" by one of the characters last night) but Carter ... and we have a much better show! Good midseason finale and course correction.  Carter makes a more interesting friend than enemy.

See also Person of Interest of Interest  ... Person of Interest 1.2:  Reese and Finch ... Person of Interest 1.5: Potentials ... Person of Interest 1.7: Meets Flashpoint and The Usual Suspects ... Person of Interest 1.8:  Widmore and Ben, At It Again ... Person of Interest 1.9: Evolution of a Series

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