22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, December 18, 2017

The Girlfriend Experience 2.11-12: Cinematography and Future

One of the best things about The Girlfriend Experience - both stories - is the cinematography.  In tonight's 2.11-12 double feature, we get Bria escaping from the courthouse and walking into sheer white aka outside before she catches a cab.   And we get Erica's office looking even starker than usual, even though it's looked like that from the outset.  But it fits perfectly with her mood and situation.

As to the stories, well, it's a little hard to believe that Bria could just walk of the courthouse like that - almost right under Ian's nose.   Or that the judge or bailiff of whoever's responsibility it is would not be standing outside the door of the restroom (ok, it wouldn't be the judge, but it would be someone, right?)

And though Erica's heartbreak is understandable, would she be in such bad shape as to miss the next day at work?  But there were at least two good moments in Erica's story (with, alas, little Anna tonight).  First, the calendar says October 2018, which means this is taking place about a year into the future, and I don't think we knew that before (or maybe we did, but I got distracted).  And, second, her incredibly helpful secretary turns out to be a spy.

That explains both why she was helpful to Erica when she was so drunkenly out of it, and why she didn't take advantage of Erica when she was in that condition and state of undress.  The other explanation, that the secretary's not gay, seems unlikely, since just about every other major woman apparently is in this story.

Next week's the season's double finale.  And, despite my sarcasm above, I'm sorry to see it end so soon.  Both stories do have a lot going for them.

See also  The Girlfriend Experience 2.1-2: Two for One ...  The Girlfriend Experience 2.3-4: Hard to Come By ... The Girlfriend Experience 2.5-6: In and Out ... The Girlfriend Experience 2.7-8: Sundry Seductions ... The Girlfriend Experience 2.9-10: The End of Illusions

And see also The Girlfriend Experience: Eminently Worth It (my review of Season 1)


It all started in the hot summer of 1960, when Marilyn Monroe walked off the set of The Misfits and began to hear a haunting song in her head, "Goodbye Norma Jean" ...

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