22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Killing Eve 3.1: Whew!

[Huge spoiler ahead, so, if you don't want to know, don't keep reading).

But here's the story of Killing Eve 3.1:

We're catching up with everyone.  Villanelle's being drawn back into it, by someone I think is a new woman we haven't seen before (but I could be wrong), and whom Villanelle has had a long relationship with, though Konstantin's still around, too.

Meanwhile, Eve is working in the back end, almost literally, of an Asian restaurant. (She wasn't killed in that last scene last year.)  She's still trying untangle the relationship with her husband, who looks even more disheveled and irritable than last season.  Carolyn's in her same position.  Kenny has a new job, as a journalist in "an online publication".  His mother's not overly impressed.

But, apparently, she should be.  Because he's looking into the Twelve.  And-  it gets him killed!  As in, thrown off the roof killed.  Just as Eve, who has come to see him, has her back to the window.  He was a major and much loved character, bringing a stabilizing dollop of humanity to the often frenetic, insano storyline.  And he's killed in the first episode?

Since Killing Eve is not science fiction or supernatural, yeah, Kenny has been killed.  But who did it?  The only person we can be 100% sure did not throw Kenny of the roof (or maybe out a high window) is Eve, because she saw his body falling.  Well, I guess, two people. Carolyn didn't kill her son.  Ok, three - Eve's husband didn't do it.  I mean, he looked somewhat crazy, but not likely homicidal.

So that leaves the Twelve, and, more specifically, Villanelle.  But wouldn't that be too obvious?  Yes, and no.   But I've got a feeling it's not Villanelle.  We'll just have to see.

See also Killing Eve 2.1: Libido and Thanatos ... Killing Eve 2.2: Villanelle as Victim ... Killing Eve 2.3 Lipstick ... Killing Eve 2.6: Billie ... Killing Eve 2.7: Death and Sex ... Killing Eve Season 2 Finale: Possibilities After the End

And see also Killing Eve: Highly Recommended (Season 1)

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