22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Killing Eve 3.2: Bringing It Into Focus

A good second episode of the new (third) season of Killing Eve - 3.2 - bringing many of the characters into sharper focus.

It's never 100% clear exactly where Konstantin stands.  And that's exactly what's brought into focus - this unfathomably - in this second episode.  But here's one thing to keep in mind: If Konstantin had anything to do with Kenny being killed, either Caroline or Konstantin won't be alive at the end of this season, because she won't abide him being alive.

I enjoyed the two guys in the Bitter Pill, and the faux hard time they were giving Eve.  It was faux because they all, including Eve, want the same thing: finding Kenny's killer, as they even said to Eve.  Their offices are a good new locus for Eve.  Although they may not have quite the cutting edge tech savvy of the British MIs, the Bitter Pill has a hacker's cunning that will carry them far.

Meanwhile, the big reveal to Villanelle that she didn't kill Eve is, well, life-changing.  Villanelle loves Eve, as the quiet smile on her face after she receives the news amply attests.  It's now clear that her next trip will be to England to see Eve.  But, as always, to kill her or love her?  Villanelle has for a long while really yearned to do both, at the very same time, if possible.

Villanelle was also excellent in the murderous clown scene, and I say this as someone who is bored of the scary clown meme, as Villanelle herself might say.  But she was sharp throughout this interlude, with satisfying repartee, as when she asks her young-man partner-in-clown partner if he's "ten years old".  An all the memorable line, made downright disconcerting, when she kills him a few minutes later.

See you next week.

See also Killing Eve 3.1: Whew!

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