22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Killing Eve 3.3: The Third Time's the Charm

Well, there were so many emblematic scenes in this Sunday's Killing Eve - episode 3.3 - that it's hard to know where to begin.

But let's start with that fight on bus.  It was perfect.  Villanelle surprises Eve, shortly after she finds out that probably her estranged husband, whom she still loves, in a way, moved to Poland.  They have a pretty bruising fight - which ends with Eve kissing Villanelle, when their faces are close together, and Villanelle asks Eve how she smells.  Later, on the street as the bus pulls away with Eve, Villanelle smiles.  But Eve enjoyed this, too.  The two really do love each other.

As we see more evidence of in a two-part bear scene, which begins with Villanelle sending Eve a stuffed little bear, with a recording of Villanelle telling Eve, "Admit it, Eve. You wish I was here".  At first, Eve is furious and tears the bear apart.  But she finds the player inside, and listens to it, over and over, mesmerized.   The two really do love each other.

Aristotle wrote that if you want to teach someone something, you have to instruct them three times.  Villanelle and Eve, in between their trying to kill one another, instruct each by their actions all time.  And therein instruct the viewing audience.

Caroline had some great scenes in this episode, too.  With her son killed in the opening episode, you have to take seriously any time she's in danger.  So when Villanelle sticks a gun in her face in the car, and pulls the trigger ... well, I was glad to see it was just the guy in back who wound up with a bullet in his head.

Villanelle remains a masterful assassin, whether by blade or gun.  Just not of Eve, because, well, the two really do love each other.

See also Killing Eve 3.1: Whew! ... Killing Eve 3.2: Bringing It Into Focus

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