22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Homeland 8.10: Carrie vs. Saul, as Never Before

With just two more episodes to go after tonight, Homeland checked in with episode 8.10, which managed to set up Carrie vs. Saul in a way we and they have never been before.

The two have been on opposite sides of an issue any number of times over the years, not a likely situation, given that they basically want the same thing, a sane world in which the United States is safe without unduly imposing on other countries, peoples, and their cultures.  But now near the very end of the series, we get them on opposite sides of an issue which just couldn't be more fundamental: Carrie's on a path to betray an agent in Russia, who has been feeding us crucially valuable information, and whom Saul has been protecting to the point of not even admitting to the agent's existence, for years.

This is the price that the Russians want for return of the flight recorder that Yevgeny took from Carrie after knocking her out with an injection in the neck and a "sorry baby" last week.  And with the Taliban under new leadership blowing up the bus filled with the American team on the edge of returning to American safety, the stakes couldn't be higher.

It's a tribute to how tightly the characters and the plot has been drawn this year, not to mention in previous seasons, that it's all but impossible to predict how this will turn out.  Will Carrie really betray Saul to avoid a nuclear war?  Logic says she would.  But Carrie runs deeper than logic.

I'm guessing/betting/hoping that Carrie will figure out a way to have both - both the flight recorder and the agent in Russia not killed.  I have no idea how she'll do it, but I can't see her so badly betraying Saul, for whatever the undeniably good reason.

But I'm an optimist.  And I'll see you back here next week.

See also Homeland 8.1: Lost Time ... Homeland 8.3: Ohio ... Homeland 8.4: Helicopter Down ... Homeland 8.5: Is Carrie Another Brody? ... Homeland 8.6: Carrie vs. the World ... Homeland 8.7: The Vice Tightens ... Homeland 8.8: The Black Box ... Homeland 8.9: The Red Box and the Black Russian

And see also Homeland 7.1: The Worse Threat ... Homeland 7.2: Carrie vs. 4chan ... Homeland 7.3: Separating Truth from Hyperthinking ... Homeland 7.4: Fake News! ... Homeland 7.5: "The Russian Angle" ... Homeland 7.6: Meets The Americans, Literally ... Homeland 7.7: Meets The Americans ... Homeland 7.8: Evenly Matched ... Homeland 7.9: Franny vs. the Job or the U.S. Hacks Twitter ... Homeland 7.10: President Trump and President Keane ... Homeland 7.11: Carriin Action ... Homeland Season 7 Finale: The President

And see also  Homeland on Showtime ... Homeland 1.8: Surprises ... Homeland Concludes First Season: Exceptional

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