22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Heroes and Villains Across Series in Fringe

A literally hot lethal woman on Fringe tonight, who's infected with something that turns her into a vampire-like predator who picks up men to drink ... not their blood, but their spinal fluid. Not Twilight meets Spinal Tap, but the odds twists on horror and science fiction that is Fringe.

The deeper story, as always, is what is most of interest. Our predator became that way because ZFT - the teleporting and whatnot-producing terrorist organization - punished the woman's husband for not cooperating with them, and turned her into this nerve-wracking stalker.

We've seen ZFT before in this series, and next week we'll find out more about the secret revealed at the end of tonight's episode: William Bell, head of Massive Dynamics, is also a player in ZFT.

And that's not all we'll find out next week, or soon after. Leonard Nimoy, who will be making some sort of appearance in Star Trek (produced, as is Fringe, by J. J. Abrams), will be William Bell. So Zachary Quinto, who plays mostly bad guy Sylar on Heroes, will be playing the main, younger Spock on Star Trek, and Leonard Nimoy, who plays the bad in some way William Bell on Fringe, will reprise his classic Spock in the same new Star Trek. Nice mix of heroes and villains across series.

Meanwhile, back on Fringe, it looks as if the eternal bald observer will be teleporting into Walter's lab next week to collect him to go somewhere. But, don't forget, he has a cow...

See also Fringe Begins ... Fringe 2 and 3: The Anthology Tightrope ... 4: The Eternal Bald Observer ... 7: A Bullet Can Scramble a Dead Brain's Transmission ... 8. Heroic Walter and Apple Through Steel ... 9. Razor-Tipped Butterflies of the Mind ... 10. Shattered Pieces Come Together Through Space and Times ... 11. A Traitor, a Crimimal, and a Lunatic ... 12, 13, 14: Fringe and Teleportation ... 15: Fringe is Back with Feral Child, Pheromones, and Bald Men ... 17. Fringe in New York, with Oliva as Her Suspect

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