22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, June 30, 2014

24 Season 9.10: Every Card on the Table

I keep saying this, and it's testament to what an excellent season of 24 this is, but episode 9.10, just finished, was one of the best episodes of this season.   It contained scene after riveting scene, closing loops and open new harrowing perils in the blinks of an eye.   This is television at its adrenalin height, as 24 ever was and always will be.

Even when we could see where a line of action was going, it was still fun to watch it playing out.  I knew that Jack wasn't just giving in to his instincts when he smashed Navarro's hands - I knew he had something more in mind - and, sure enough, in this fine little set piece, he was in cahoots with Kate to get the code from Navarro.

I also knew that Chloe wasn't just going to go along with Adrian, but it was fun to see her try to escape, anyway.   What I didn't expect is Adrian getting killed by Cheng Zhi - the same guy who tortured Jack and Audrey years ago - and Adrian in a rare stroke of decency telling Chloe that her husband and son's death in the car crash was truly an accident.   RIP Maurice and Prescott.

It was a night for soulful true confessions.   Jack, seeking to bolster Kate, tells her what he went through after Renee was killed near the end of Season 8.   Kate has in turned confided to Jack her guilt about not believing her husband, leading to his suicide, and how that feels now that she knows Navarro set her husband up.

Just about every card is now in play on the table.   Heller characteristically decides to stay in London and take command, rather than going back to the US to resign.   Mark sics the Russians on to Jack, which slows him and Kate long enough to let Cheng kill Adrian.  Erik's now in charge of CIA-London.   And the Chinese government - Cheng's a rogue - is about to get into the lethal mix.  In terms of the sheer number of threats from different places, this is a season of 24 like none before it.

And there's one big question left in the personal relationship department.  Whom will Jack go with, Audrey or Kate?   I know, likely neither, likely no one.   But I'd like it to be Kate.

See also 24 Season 9 Hours 1 and 2: The Sheer Intelligent Adrenalin Is Bac... 24 Season 9.3: Shades of Disloyalties ... 24 Season 9.4: Brass Tacks and Strong Women ... 24 Season 9.5: Jack and Audrey .. 24 Season 9.6: Expendable In-Laws ... 24 Season 9.7: Silent Clock in President Heller's Future ... 24 Season 9.8: Clearing the Deck ... 24 Season 9.9: The Reason for No Silent Clock, Misleading Coming Attractions, and the New Villain

And see also Season 8 reviews: Hours 1 and 2 ... Hours 3 and 4 ... Hour 5 ...Hour 6 ... Hour 7 ... Hour 8 ... Hour 9 ... Hour 10 ... Hour 11 ... Hour 12... Hour 13 ... Hour 14 ... Hours 15-16 ... Hour 17 ... Hour 18 ... Hour 19... Hour 20 ... Hour 21 ... Hour 22 ... 24 Forever!

And see also Season 7 reviewsHours 1 and 2 ... Hours 3 and 4 ... Hour 5... Hour 6 ... Hour 7 ... Hour 8 ... Hour 9 ... Hour 10 ... Hours 11-12 ...Hour 13 ... Hour 14 ... Hour 15 ... Hour 16 ... Hour 17 ... Hour 18 ... Hour 19 ... Hour 20 ... Hour 21 ... Hour 22  ... Hours 23-24  

And see also Season 6 reviews: Hours 1 and 2 ... Hours 3 and 4 ... Hour 5 ... Hour 6 ... Hour 7 ... Hours 8 and 9 ... Hour 10 ... Hour 11 ... Hour 12 ... Hour 13 ... Hour 14 ... Hour 15 ... Hour 16 ... Hour 17 ... Hour 18... Hour 19 ... Hour 20 ... Hour 21 ... Hour 22 ... Hours 23-24


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