Valkyrie was a reasonably good rendition of the daring 1944 Germany Army bomb plot that almost killed Hitler. Tom Cruise was effective as von Stauffenberg - who planted the bomb and in many ways spearheaded the operation - and Kenneth Branagh, Bill Nighy, Terence Stamp and Tom Wilkinson are a pleasure to see in any role.
The plot failed for several reasons. Hitler survived the bomb because it went off in a meeting room larger and more open than expected. Had the explosion occurred in the original room, its bunker construction would have contained and thereby made more lethal the explosive power. And the briefcase with the bomb was inadvertently moved to a place under the table where the blast was somewhat deflected from Hitler.
Defiance tells the heroic, inspiring story of the four Bielski brothers, who escape into the forest and organize resistance after the German occupation and slaughter of Jews in Belarus in 1941. Daniel Craig as Tuvia, Liev Schreiber as Zus, and Jamie Bell as Asael are simply superb, and I'd say Defiance was one the best movies I've seen in years (better than the excellent Munich, in which Craig also played a take-no-prisoners Jewish fighter, and better than Valkyrie). My wife and I have grandparents and relatives who come from that area, and we could see their faces and hear their voices in this movie.
All of the brothers - and their love interests (it was good see Mia Wasikowska, Sophie on In Treatment, play Asael's in Defiance) - survived against all odds, and our knowing that Tuvia, Zus, and Aron (who was a boy in 1941) made it to New York after the war, and opened a trucking business, was especially satisfying. (Asael joined the Russians against the Germans and was killed in action.) Tuvia died at 81 in 1987, Zus at 82 in 1995, and Aron is still alive.
So, yes, the bomb plot failed, the Bielskis did not, and we beat the Nazis.
But as the extremist part of the debate now raging about health care reform in America now shows - with some opponents of Obama likening him to Hitler, which is itself a classic Hitlerian propaganda tactic (false association and insistent exaggeration) - we need to take care more than ever to keep our democratic processes and protections real and robost. The Weimar Republic, which the Nazis overthrew, was after all a democracy too...
1 comment:
I saw Valkyrie a while ago, but I remember leaving the theater thinking it was just "okay." I got the distinct impression that they intentionally made the bad Germans look very German - blonde hair, blue eyes - and they made the good Germans look British. All the conspirators had brown hair and Winston Churchill's frumpy build. I think I even remember the bad Germans having thick German accents and the good ones having British/American accents, but that could be my memory playing tricks on me.
The problem with this is the whole point of the movie is that there were Germans ready to stand up against their own government and country because they didn't believe in what it was doing. Making the audience associate the conspiracy against Hitler with the British and the Americans undermines that purpose. It would be like giving Huckleberry Finn a Boston accent to show he's not like the other Missouri slave owners.
I haven't seen Defiance, I've heard good things though. The best WWII movie I've seen in recent years is the German movie "Downfall." It's about Hitler's last days in power before his suicide. It manages to let American viewers understand and even empathize with members of the German officer corps without ever defending Hitler or Nazism. It walks a very thin line but the movie pulls it off.
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