22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Obama Makes Sense on Meet the Press

I just saw Barack Obama interviewed by Tim Russert on NBC's Meet the Press, and was especially impressed by the following points:

1. Obama said his "DNA" makes him ideally suited to bring Americans together - his black father and his white mother. I like that - the way Obama thinks and talks. When was the last time you heard another Presidential candidate of either party talk about DNA, in any connection to politics?

2. Obama again spoke about the superficiality of the American flag pin issue - the degree to which Obama wears and does not wear a pin. I couldn't agree more. Did it ever occur to those who think flag pins are so important that a terrorist could easily wear one? What counts is what candidates say and do - not what they wear in their lapels.

3. Obama explained his opposition to the gas tax holiday (McCain) and gas tax holiday plus windfall profits reduction (Clinton) proposals. They're sugar fixes, and, in the case of the windfall profits reductions, not likely to be signed into law by Bush any time soon. What's needed are the deeper solutions, that not only reduce oil company revenues, but reduce our consumption of oil. Any proposal that doesn't directly get at these underlying problems will only help us at the pumps for the next few months, at most.

4. Obama made clear his support of Israel, and his view that Israel's security was essential to the U.S. But he differed from Clinton's talk of "obliterating" Iran as counter-productive and dangerous. This kind of swaggering comes right of the Bush play book.

5. Obama said he will work hard for the Democratic ticket, whoever the nominee, and that the super delegates need not blindly follow the results of the primaries and caucuses. But nor, he emphasized, should they be unduly influenced by current snapshots and polls.

Has any other candidate presented as clear and thoughtful a series of positions?


mike's spot said...

so Hillary infuriated me with her stupid wannabe pro-gun propaganda. Does she really think that we in the NRA crowd forgot the Brady bill and the AWB of 94? Does she think I don't know that crap that now STUCK TO THE WALL in NYS and I have to live with?

sorry I know your post was about Obama professor but me and plugh were talkin about this and I felt you should be included.

Paul Levinson said...

No need to apologize - I'm always happy to be included in a conversation...

So you're more comfortable with Obama than Clinton on Second Amendment rights? Or just angry at Clinton for apparently pandering?

mike's spot said...

I am more comfortable with Obama because I perceive him as more honest with his position on the second amendment. He has always been upfront (for the most part) that he is not a fan of the 2a as it stands. At least I know what I'm getting into with Obama. Hillary is trying to seem like a gun owners friend right now- very much like guiliani did- I just prefer a screwin' to come from the front I guess.

Mike Plugh said...

Dropping in here to pat myself on the back. This might get a re-post when Dr. Lev posts on the Tuesday primary results, but I went to his office a couple of days ago an predicted that Obama would win NC by 20+ points.

Looking good right now.

Paul Levinson said...

:) True - I remember...

But I predicted that Obama would win NC by double digits, and Indiana would be won by either Clinton or Obama by just a point or two...
