22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Most Revolutionary Phrase of President Obama's Inaugural

I never thought I'd enjoy a Presidential Inauguration as much as I did JFK's in 1960, when I was a kid and I saw it on a black-and-white television, but Barack Obama's today was every bit as good on the big color screen, and even more revolutionary. The son of an African and an American being sworn in as President.

The single most daring words in Obama's inaugural address, I thought, was his inclusion of "non-believers" in his citing of Christians, Muslims, Jews, and the other faiths of our nation and world. That one phrase shows the profound inclusionary quality of President Obama's vision. It represents a revolution indeed. Non-believers are people, too.

His statements of what America would be doing different from now on, with George W. Bush just a few feet away, were inspiring, too. The speech was strong and straightforward.

The audience - on the stage and in the crowd - was extraordinary. It was good to see Ted Kennedy walking in at the beginning. He made it. Witness to JFK and now Barack Obama taking the oath of office.*

The first day of a new America, and a new world.

*3pm: Breaking news that Ted Kennedy was taken out on a stretcher from the Inaugural luncheon. Let's hope for the best.


Anonymous said...

I caught that word too, and was very pleased.

Unknown said...

Yeah! Just acknowledging non-believers in this supposedly "christian nation" was heartening.
