"Paul Levinson's It's Real Life is a page-turning exploration into that multiverse known as rock and roll. But it is much more than a marvelous adventure narrated by a master storyteller...it is also an exquisite meditation on the very nature of alternate history." -- Jack Dann, The Fiction Writer's Guide to Alternate History

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Dexter 8.9: The Psycho Son

Well, I've been saying all season that the prime villain in Dexter this year is Vogel.   In episode 8.9, it turns out that I wasn't too far off.

The brain surgeon turns out not another of Vogel's patients, not Vogel herself, but her son.   And though at this point there's no evidence that she's been working with him all along, she's certainly working with him now, in an alliance that promises nothing but trouble for Dexter.

And that's not all.   Kenny Johnson from The Shield is on hand as a US Marshall Cooper hunting Hannah.  In a great scene, the marshall asks Harrison to identify the three figures in his little boy drawing.  Harrison says Daddy, me, and ... the blonde woman is Mommy.   Either Harrison is even more clever than we think, or he has Mommy on his mind because Dexter earlier asked him if he missed Hannah and Harrison said he wanted her to be his Mommy.  So Dex and Hannah caught a break because Harrison had indeed put Hannah in the picture, but identified her to the marshall as Mommy not Hannah.

But judging from the coming attractions - and in fact I thought so during this episode - Marshall Cooper won't be dissuaded that easily.  So, with just three episodes to the whole series left, here's what Dexter has arrayed against him.   A psycho and her shrink mother who knows just about everything there is to know about Dexter.   The only advantage that Dexter has over Vogel is her constant under-estimation of his emotional depth.  But Dexter also has to fend off Marshall Cooper.  And whom can he count on for help with that?   Incredibly but increasingly plausibly, Deb - who's beginning to accept life with a "convention of serial killers," as she puts it.

Dexter wants to go off to Argentina with Hannah and Harrison.  Watch out Buenos Aires!  Yeah, I know the odds are long, but I'm hoping against all odds for a happy ending here.

In other words, I'm hoping to hear a song from Evita before the season is over, in addition to the song from Lost.

See also Dexter Season 8 Premiere: Mercury in Retrograde, Dexter Incandescent ... Dexter 8.2: The Gift ... Dexter 8.3: The Question and the Confession ... Dexter 8.4: The "Lab Rat" and Harry's Daughter ... Dexter 8.5: Just Like Family ... Dexter 8.6: The Protege ... Dexter 8.7: Two Different Codes? ... Dexter 8.8: "A Great Future"

And see also Dexter Season 6 Sneak Preview Review ... Dexter 6.4: Two Numbers and Two Killers Equals? ... Dexter 6.5 and 6.6: Decisive Sam ... Dexter 6.7: The State of Nebraska ... Dexter 6.8: Is Gellar Really Real? .... Dexter 6.9: And Gellar Is ... ... Dexter's Take on Videogames in 6.10 ...Dexter and Debra:  Dexter 6.11 ... Dexter Season 6 Finale: Through the Eyes of a Different Love

And see also
 Dexter Season 4: Sneak Preview Review ... The Family Man on Dexter 4.5 ...Dexter on the Couch in 4.6 ... Dexter 4.7: 'He Can't Kill Bambi' ... Dexter 4.8: Great Mistakes ...4.9: Trinity's Surprising Daughter ... 4.10: More than Trinity ... 4.11: The "Soulless, Anti-Family Schmuck" ... 4.12: Revenges and Recapitulations

And see also reviews of Season 3Season's Happy Endings? ... Double Surprise ... Psychotic Law vs. Sociopath Science ... The Bright, Elusive Butterfly of Dexter ... The True Nature of Miguel ...Si Se Puede on Dexter ... and Dexter 3: Sneak Preview Review



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