22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dexter 3.11: Double Surprise

Whoah! Dexter 3.11, the next to last epsiode of the season, totally, doubly surprised me, with two great twists:

1. I never saw Masuka behind Dexter in the trunk - I was sure, as I'm sure everyone else was, that Miguel was behind the kidnap. In retrospect, the Masuka prank-start of his carefully planned bachelor party for Dex makes perfect sense - Masuka had only been talking his head off about the party for the past 2-3 episodes. But I never saw it coming...

2. And even more stunning was Dexter's taking out Miguel, in the classic Dexter way. I thought Miguel would be little more difficult to put down...

What does this mean? Well, about Miguel, that he wasn't that good a killer and planner as we the viewers may have been led to believe. After all, everything that he knew about this kind of killing, he got from Dexter, who only shared part of his savvy with his almost-friend. Again, in retrospect, there wasn't much reason for us to ever believe that Miguel could get Dexter - his only chance might have been to arrest Dexter, by surprise...

And what surprises are in store for us in next week's season finale? There will be some kick in the solar plexus, something unexpected, that's for sure, that's the Dexter way. I'm thinking: maybe Debra will finally get a glimpse of Dexter's true nature - a possibility the series has been flirting with for three years now. Certainly Deb's looking into Dexter's father could provide a dangerous avenue to this...

And/or ... I don't know, but I still can't buy Miguel being put away quite that easily ... And, come to think of it, why did Dexter use the wire on Miguel's throat, rather than chop him up? Or maybe he did, but that's not what Miguel looked like, in the coming attractions ... We'll see...

In the meantime, give Dexter the show credit for scoring another surprise upset - a double upset - of our expectations this week, which is all to the cool and good.

See also Season's Happy Endings ... Psychotic Law vs. Sociopath Science ... The Bright, Elusive Butterfly of Dexter ... The True Nature of Miguel ... Si Se Puede on Dexter ... and Dexter 3: Sneak Preview Review

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Anonymous said...

dex is framing the skinner for miguel's death, thats why he kills him that way

Paul Levinson said...

That makes sense - but are you comfortable with the conclusion that Miguel is really dead?

Anonymous said...

Dexter actually said in the episode that he wanted the skinner to remain uncaught long enough to use his MO. And I am totally comfortable with Miguel's death. But remember how he turned the skinner on to Dexter? So I'm wondering what is up with that since they didn't show anything about that in the next trailer..

dawn said...

I think the skinner goes after Dexter in the finale, they showed him tied to a table that had to be skinner not oscar. It was a great show last night I only wish Miguel got more then he did. Morbid I know but we love Dexter

Paul Levinson said...

anon: Ok. But I'm sticking with my feeling that we haven't seen the last of Miguel, alive... (but I've been wrong, plenty of times, before :)

Hey Dawn! I think the reason you wanted Miguel to get more than he did ties into what I've been saying - which is, there was something incomplete, unsatisfying, about Miguel's death last night. Still - I suppose that the could be part of a different twist, in which Miguel was indeed killed last night.

dawn said...

Oh I never saw the masuka thing either

Anonymous said...

Miguel is dead. There were scenes in the finale preview of the LT mourning at the viewing. Either Ramone or the Skinner tie Dexter up. Deb will likely catch the Skinner of save Dexter or both, finally earning her detective's badge. The question is will they leave it a cliffhanger for the opener of season 4 or tie up the loose ends in the finale like the first two seasons.

Anonymous said...

I still have a feeling we haven't seen all of Mr. Quinn. Why did he tell Deb not to call for backup when they went to the house with the Skinner? Why didn't he just shoot him in the house? They just dropped the whole IA thing with him. I don't trust him.

Paul Levinson said...

anon 1: I know, I saw the coming attractions (preview), too. But I'm still not satisfied with the way Miguel's killing played out, which makes me think he may not be dead. We'll see...

anon 2: I agree about Quinn. There's definitely something that doesn't add up about him.
