22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Major Crimes Comes To An End

Major Crimes comes to an end next week - on TNT television, that is, not in our world, which is why Major Crimes is in italics and initial caps, and why its passing is an occasion for regret not jubilation.

It’s been an unlikely and really good series. Kyra Sedgwick was outstanding as the police head of her unit closer in The Closer . What were the chances that she could leave the show, be replaced by a character who started as her opponent, with the rest of the cast the same, and we get an equally impressive and different top-notch police show?

Mary McDonnell who replaced Sedgwick with her own power and charm equalized the odds, and the tightly plotted cases that followed were a treat for the intellect. In addition, evil masterminds like Stroh who strode across seasons tied the characters and episodes together.  G. W. Bailey’s Lt. Provenza and Tony Denison’s Lt. Flynn were even more impressive in the second series, and Raymond Cruz created a truly memorable character with his Detective then Sgt. Julio Sanchez, as did Michael Paul Chan as Det. Lt. Mike Tao.

They’ve been some real surprises in the past few hours and I don’t want to spoil any of that for you. So I’ll recommend Major Crimes for your viewing, and The Closer before that. Take your time, you’ll be in for a treat. And don’t miss the finale next Tuesday!

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