22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Stars Wars The Last Jedi: Enjoyable Birds and Storylines

Well, Tina and I finally got around seeing Star Wars The Last Jedi - in a very comfortable new iPic theater, right next to a new, delicious restaurant - City Perch, in Dobbs Ferry.   The movie had birds and was very enjoyable, too.

It hit most of the classic Star Wars notes, my favorite being those adorable birds, one of which winds up next to Chewbacca in the cockpit during a crucial aerial fight.  There's been an adorable critter thread throughout the Star Wars sagas, and the birds carried it forth perfectly - i.e., with the perfect mixture of poignance and laugh-out-loud fun.

On to the main stories, there was a lot that was predictable, but that was ok.   Kalo killing Snoke in that pivotal scene rather than Rey was predictable, but saved by Kalo still being bad in the aftermath.  Similarly, Luke appearing just in time to save the day was predictable, but saved by the reveal that he wasn't physically there.

DJ selling out was a little harder to see, but consistent with what Lando did in The Empire, and Benicio Del Toro was just right for the part.   Rose is a good new character, and I'm glad she survived.  But speaking of survival, I think I missed what it was that saved Princess Leia from getting  instantly frozen with no space suit on in deep space.

I was sad to see Luke go, just as I was Han in the immediately preceding movie in this long story, but Rey will make a remarkable new Jedi, the first woman in the role.  The Jedi's have been compared to the Jesuits in our reality, and it will be interesting to see if they make the same leap (I predict that, someday, they will).

Kalo makes an especially powerful villain, because he has such vulnerabilities.   He killed his father, and tried to kill his mother, and may be on his way to becoming even more than Supreme Leader.  Although Yoda and Luke (not to mention Obi Wan) can come forth to oppose him, Rey among the living will still be his best and ultimate opponent, and I'm still wondering if Luke might not be her father, after all.

And I'll be back with more after the next movie.

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