22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Ten Days in the Valley: Ten Hours Worth Seeing

Leave it to me to review a limited series on ABC TV that was cancelled midway, and they just threw the final episodes up in the past few weeks, with the finale tonight, when network television is at its lowest ebb of the year, but, hey ...

I thought Ten Days in the Valley was pretty good. The series featured Kyra Sedgwick (The Closer) as divorced mother Jane Sadler whose little girl Lake is kidnapped, with great supporting work all around, especially by Erika Christensen (Wicked City) as Jane's sister, and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Lost) as the detective.  So not only did Ten Days have excellent acting, but it also sported a pretty clever and complex plot, with all kinds of twists and turns.

Some were more surprising than others, but hour for hour, the show kept you (or at very least me, and my wife) on the edge of your seat.  The dialogue was snappy, funny when it needed to be, and fairly Hollywood hip.   The pace was unusual, with perils emerging when other narratives might have put in some mandatory relief or time to relax.

So why didn't the series do better? Another example, I guess, of there's just no accounting for taste.  But ABC might have done better to present the ten hours in three or four segments, like those great old-fashioned mini-series of decades ago.  No matter, Ten Days in the Valley will no doubt soon take up residence on a streaming service, where you can watch the ten hours in any way you please.

Which I'd definitely recommend.

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