22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

America Moves Up: Barack Obama Nominated!

It was no surprise tonight, but it was something no one would have predicted a decade ago. One of our two major parties has nominated an African-American for President.

There was talk of Colin Powell running in the Republican primaries in 2000, but Powell pretty quickly put an end to that. Barack Obama was dazzling at the 2004 Democratic Convention in Boston - I and many others said, hey, he should run for President someday, soon as possible - but even then that seemed more a hope than an achievable reality.

But it all became real tonight. And in the best possible way. Hillary and the New York delegation marching quickly into their place on the convention floor and history. I don't think I've ever seen a delegation walk that quickly or purposely onto a convention floor. It was exhilarating and entirely appropriate to see: it was about time, more than about time, in American history.

As a New Yorker, I was especially glad to see the New York delegation perform this service. We're a rough and tough city and state, but we do the right thing.

And Hillary Clinton did the right thing. Her voice, more than any other at the convention, spoke unity in calling for the nomination by acclamation of Obama. She will play an important role in our future.

But next up in destiny: winning the election in November.

And next up at the convention: Bill Clinton's speech. I expect it to be pretty momentous itself.

And I'll be back with my thoughts after Bill Clinton's speech.

Infinite Regress Democratic Convention Coverage from Day Two: Patrick Buchanan on MSNBC: Hillary Will Campaign Hard for Obama, But Won't Shed Tears If He Loses ... Hillary Speaks Powerfully at Democratic Convention, in a Scene for the Ages

Infinite Regress Democratic Convention Coverage from Day One: Olbermann to Scarborough on MSNBC: "Jesus, Joe, Get a Shovel!" ... Ted Kennedy at 2008 Democratic Convention: JFK Would Be Smiling ... Michelle Obama's Speech: Bringing Home America

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