22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Michelle Obama's Speech: Bringing Home America

I never thought Michelle Obama owed her Republican critics or tone-deaf people of any political view an apology for her style and her concerns about America. There is indeed a lot that is mean about this country, a lot not to be proud of, and as Michelle Obama said tonight in her address to the Democratic National Convention, people who see this have an obligation to speak out about this and try to make it better.

But, as Keith Olbermann noted on MSNBC, Michelle Obama's tone and content were letter-perfect tonight. The Republicans likely won't want to hear or acknowledge it. Nor will, especially, the clearly Republican women who claim to be Hillary supporters but say they are now voting for McCain. (Chris Matthews interviewed a few of those in the street, prior to the start of the Convention.)

But I think the true Hillary Clinton supporters, who saw her as the best candidate for America, and therefore could certainly never think the same about McCain, were the most important audience for Michelle Obama's speech tonight. Michelle not only graciously praised what Hillary had accomplished. Michelle also made crystal and powerfully clear what Barack Obama's election to the Presidency would mean to all groups mistreated - blacks, gays, women, all in different ways.

I've always thought there were two overlapping reasons to vote for Barack Obama. One relates to his policies on the war, energy, and making America a better country. The other is about what the election of an African-American would also do to make America a better country. Michelle's speech brought both points home tonight.

More Infinite Regress Democratic Convention Coverage: Olbermann to Scarborough on MSNBC: "Jesus, Joe, Get a Shovel!" ... Ted Kennedy at 2008 Democratic Convention: JFK Would Be Smiling


Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

I watched the speech on my favorite channel, MSNBC.But if you wanted to really feel pain, you should have switched to fox and listen to Bill Kristol. I never knew snakes could talk. His main comment: "I wasn't impressed. Did you notice she didn't mention she and Obama went to ivy league colleges." ??!!!??!!! The speech of the night reduced to those words courtesy of the right wing.

Paul Levinson said...

Well said about Bill Kristol, Stewart - I saw some of the Fox coverage on re-run in the early hours of the morning, and had the same feeling as you.

Brit Hume was actually pretty good - but Kristol was the worst on that panel.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama will make a great First Lady. She's the total package, possessing both form and substance. Part Jackie Kennedy (very easy on the eyes) and part Hillary Clinton (very smart/strong on the issues).
