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Saturday, August 23, 2008

CNN Says Obama Picks Biden for VP

John King on CNN just reported that Barack Obama has chosen Delaware Senator Joe Biden as the Democratic VP candidate.

I would have preferred Hillary Clinton - both because of the votes she received in the primary, and the revolution a woman as VP would have represented - but Biden was my next favorite, and I think he is an excellent and powerful choice.

Biden has extensive foreign policy experience - far more than McCain. Biden, in fact, has extensive experience in just about every political issue of the past and present decades. He serves well on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He also is a sharp debater, and has a great sense of humor.

Paul Begala on CNN commented a little earlier that Putin put Biden in the VP nomination spot. The Russian invasion of Georgia hammered home the importance of U.S. foreign policy in all parts the world.

Biden is 65. In term of age, his VP to Obama's President would parallel Cheney to George W. Bush. In terms of everything else, Obama and Biden would be the best thing that has happened to America in years.

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