22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Designated Survivor 1.9: Hacked

A good Designated Survivor 1.9 this week, even though little progress was made on the most important question - who blew up the  Capitol Building? - until the very end of the episode, when we discovered what we already knew:  some kind of home-grown operation.

But the danger de jour was once again remarkably appropriate this week, especially today, with the Washington Post reporting the CIA's finding that the Russians were hacking the DNC computers and giving what they found to Wikileaks with the motive of tipping the election scale in Trump's direction.  Hey, we knew that already, too, didn't we?

But it was still good to see the new President - Kirkman not Trump - playing the chess game, ending with the hacker coming to the White House and making revelations so we now know who was behind the bombing.   Why the hacker couldn't have just contacted Kirkman with this crucial information without all the rigamarole - I don't know - but that's ok, too.

Because it was gratifying to see Kirkman stand by his assistant, and beat the sleazy Senator at his own blackmailing game.

But ... we still don't know what the presumptive VP's story is, other than he is being run by the villains and is not really one of them.  And we know precious little about the American conspiracy.

I'm looking to the winter finale next week, and will eagerly await the return of Jack Bauer in the White House in 2017.

See also Designated Survivor: Jack Bauer Back in the White House ... Designated Survivor 1.2: Unflinching and Excellent ...  Designated Survivor 1.4: "Michigan's on the Verge of Anarchy" ... Designated Survivor 1.5: The Plot Thickens ... Designated Survivor 1.6: The Governors ... Designated Survivor 1.7: Reassuring Fiction ... Designated Survivor 1.8: Kitchen Sink

  terrorist squirrels and bombs in NYC


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