22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Hannity & Colmes Denigrate Ron Paul's First Place in FOX News Post-Debate Poll

So now Fox News' - via Hannity and Colmes - joins ABC News in denigrating the results of its own post-debate polls. As of about 30 minutes ago, Ron Paul was in first place with 33% percent of respondents who said he won tonight's Republican Presidential debate in New Hampshire, broadcast on Fox News, with Rudy Giuliani in second place with 16% (in the final results, Mike Huckabee moved into second place, with 18% of respondents who said he won).

Commented Hannity and Colmes on Ron Paul's victory in the Fox News poll: Ron Paul supporters were busy dialing in multiple times.

Interestingly, Ron Paul's exchange with Mike Hucbabee was the most replayed segment of the debate, was indeed its high point. Ron Paul went after Huckabee's - and all the other Republicans' - position that everyone should get behind the US war effort in Iraq. We have no valid business being there, Ron Paul emphasized, fighting in a war that was started on the basis on false information, and in defiance of our Constitution.

How is it that Hannity and Colmes, who agree on so little else, can be so quick to discount the possibility that maybe Ron Paul's first-place showing is an expression of how tired Americans are of this wrong war? And trot out the tired "multiple" dialing herring, with no cited evidence whatsoever?

The answer, I think, is that whatever Hannity and Colmes' differences of opinion, that are representatives of the same arrogant, old-line media thinking that afflicts ABC News. Hannity and Colmes owe America an apology.

Just this afternoon, I distributed my syllabus to my Intro to Communication and Media Studies class at Fordham University. September 28 will be the day I'll deliver my special lecture on the mainstream media's misreporting of Ron Paul.



Anonymous said...

There are people posting screen shots on the internet of their cell phones after they tried to vote twice. If Fox has a system in place to prevent repeat voting they should come out and state it while results are being shown.

A.B. Dada said...

Huckabee came across as a nice guy, but not a politician.

Paul and all the top Republicans drew equal votes from paleoconservatives and neoconservatives, I think. But Paul drew additional support from Independents and Democrats who are registering Republican because they, too, want smaller less intrusive government.

Paul is the only candidate who is building bridges between parties and support groups, not walls like every other candidate, regardless of party.

Shane said...

I was wondering if you are going to have a recording of your first day in class, it might be enlightening to the rest of us.


Paul Levinson said...

anon: I'm not surprised ... H & C pretty much just pulled that typical "mutiple" dial explanation out of their ... uh ... hats

dada: good analysis

shane - excellent idea - but I already had my first class today ... but I will record my Sept 28 lecture in class and post on my podcast ... in the meantime, I cover a lot of the ground in the Sloan Ranger's radio interview with me from two weeks ago ... you can hear it on Sloan Ranger & PL on Ron Paul...

Anonymous said...

Here's the video...


Anonymous said...

That Faux announcers would LIE to the audience about their own poll results (multiple voting is not possible) - that is really outrageous.

Anonymous said...

Please videotape your September 28th lecture and share. Right now I keep a folder on my computer specifically showing instances of media bias for doubters. It's be great to have the more vehement deniers sit down and watch your lecture. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
If possible, please record and post your special lecture on media on Dr. Ron Paul.
I am sure, like me, there are many other people who would be interested in the lecture.

Paul Levinson said...

anon1: thanks (that's the clip of Ron Paul interviewed by H&C ... I should get a clip of their earlier claim that Ron Paul supporters were dialing "multiple times")...

anon2: it is indeed outrageous for H&C to claim that.

anon3 & 4: I'll definitely audio and video record my lecture, and post it wherever I can, with links ...

By the way, a video of my lecture to the NYC-Ron Paul Meet-Up group - from last week - should be up very soon. I talk about all of these media distortions (other than last night's, which hadn't happened yet)... I'll put that link in a post here on Infinite Regress, as soon as I have it...

Unknown said...

Hi, Paul! Long time no blog. Lately I've been posting at The New Republic's site.

There's a very good reason Hannity & Colmes dismiss Ron Paul's high totals in various informal polls as the product of a claque.

In scientific polling, Ron Paul has consistently showed up at 1-2% for most of the year. See http://www.pollingreport.com/wh08rep.htm

Old Right isolationists like Ron Paul are living fossils, of a time when the oceans were a barrier to attack on the United States and it was at least superficially plausible to assert that we can afford to stand aside and let the Old World burn.--Taras
