22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mad Men -What?!! - Rerun without Warning Tonight!

Well, Mad Men's Episode 9 was on last week - at the end of which, we saw coming attractions for Episode 10. For which there has been a sneak preview online at AMC's web site all week...

So ... what is Episode 5 doing on AMC right now, in the 10PM Thursday spot which was the premier spot for Mad Men?

Beats me ...

I do see that Episode 10 is scheduled for next week (September 27) ...

But why didn't AMC mumble something such as "Two weeks from now ..." after last week's episode?

Strange, strange...


Anonymous said...

I rushed home just for that and lo an old episode. By the way, did you notice the wife said 'shit' when Don said "It's 8 o'clock"?

BigBadWolf666999 said...

lol. yea i did. that was funny. amc sucks. we should boycott the rest of the season so they know not to mess with the intelligence of us fans.

Anonymous said...

Um... a "rest of the season boycott" seems a little extreme to me. I noticed earlier in the week that the episode description was that of a rerun, so I escaped without injury. And there's no way in hell I'm giving up the rest of the season! Are you crazy?!

LA said...

Boycotting the season would be punishing myself. No thanks.

I'm thrilled Mad Men has been renewed for a second season. The question remains... how will we Mad Fans make it from October to June?

Unknown said...

You can watch Jericho! It comes on around next year I'm sure. Season 1 is online, and season 2 for 7 episodes comes back. It's a great show, and you use it as filler for mad men!
