22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Lost 4.10: Almost a Dream Come True

Jack's almost ruptured appendix was center stage on the island tonight, but the least important part of a splendid almost-a-dream-come-true Episode 10 of Lost Season 4 tonight. After all, we know that Jack will survive because of the flashforwards. Speaking of which -

1. Tonight's features Jack, Kate, Aaron, and brief appearances by Hurley and Jack's father Christian. It starts a little time after the trial (4.4) and the Hurley episode (4.1). Jack's with Kate, and he's making a good father for Aaron. Jack and Kate are about as happy as we've ever seen them. (Will this be the most happy we'll ever see them in the series? I fear, maybe so. But I hope not.)

2. Jack goes to see Hurley, and things start falling apart for Jack, and Jack and Kate. Hurley gives Jack a message from Charley, who Hurley says has paid him lots of visits. The message: Jack should not be raising Aaron. (Who then? Claire, back on the island? Maybe.) Jack gets a long glimpse of Christian (actually, his second), after Hurley tells Jack that someone will be coming to him. (Last week had a episode about daughters, tonight's was about fathers.)

3. Meanwhile, still in the flashforward, Kate is on the phone with someone, and going to see that person, and not telling Jack. Kate and Jack are now engaged, after Jack proposes. But Jack presses Kate on her mysterious friend, Kate says she's doing something she promised for Sawyer, and the honeymoon that never quite happened looks like it's about over. (Why, though, is Jack is so upset about Sawyer?)

deserves credit for keeping us on this roller coaster of showing us things that almost happen, and seem to fit with the flashforward at the end of Season 3, but suddenly swerving into another course - and then back again. Jack looked like he was on the path to the Season 3 finale in the Season 4 opener this year. Tonight it looked like he and Kate were getting together - going contrary to the Season 3 finale - but then the story moved right back in sync with what we saw last year....

4. Back on the island, Jin had an excellent episode, as he gets the better of Charlotte. Bernard and Rose put in good appearances, too. Jack, of course, survives the operation. Right after which Juliet lets Kate know that Jack really loves Kate (which sets things up for the flashforward, though we didn't really need that).

5. Far more mysterious and powerful is what happens to Claire and Sawyer, on their way, with Miles, back to the beach. Claire wakes up in the middle of the night to find- Christian, her father, too, holding Aaron. By the time morning comes, she and Christian are gone, and Sawyer takes Aaron.

What happened? Is Claire dead - maybe from a hemorrhage suffered last week? Possibly. If Christian is really dead ... But what is Christian's situation? If he is Jacob, and not dead, or some kind of super being, why would he take Claire with him?

is still an enigma wrapped in a puzzle, but it's giving us more better, deeper glimpses, and that's what makes it such remarkable television.

See also...

Further Questions about Lost 4.4: Jack and Aaron, Kate and Sawyer
and More about Season Four: Baby Aaron and the Oceanic Six and More About Lost 4: (ii) Michael and Ben, Good and Evil, Alias Echo

1. Lost's Back Full Paradoxical Blast 4.1 ... 4.2: Five Flashbacks and Three Rational Explanations ... 4.3: Thirty Minutes and Big Ben ... 4.4: Kate and ... ... 4.5 Desmond 1 and Desmond 2 ... 4.6 The True Nature of Ben ... 4.7 Flash Both Ways ... 4.8 Michael and Alex ... 4.9 Daughters, Rules, and Some Truth about Ben ... 4.11 Unlocking Locke


2. More Thoughts On Lost 4.1: Those Who Went with Hurley and Those Who Stayed with Jack and Two More Points about Lost 4.1

additional discussion of this episode of Lost in 8-minute podcast

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John Muth said...

Agreed on it being a great episode. I was on another message board, talking about LOST and someone said, "wouldn't it be great if the skeletons ( found in season one ) were actually Jack and Kate in some kind of strange time-travel loop."

I thought that was a pretty interesting query and a very romantic angle, that isn't really out of the realm of possibilities.

Anyway, I guess I do feel the need to ask - isn't anything that's about sons or daughters or fathers or mothers also about the other? I mean you can't have a story about fathers unless there's a son or daughter to contrast that to, or vice versa. Semantics, I know. :)

The thing that really caught my eye though, was the preview for next week. What with it seeming like we're going to see Locke, Ben and Hurley's story in their search for Jacob - and come across some... long-gone friends of Ben's. There are certain episodes that you see a preview for that you can feel that it'll be good ( like the one for this week...even though we knew Jack wasn't going to die...well, permanently ) and there's previews for episodes like next week's which just OOZES awesome. ( Here's hoping I don't have to ear my shoe. :) )

tvindy said...

Well, Charley's message didn't specifically mention Aaron by name. Actually, my first take on the message was that Jack shouldn't be raising his father from the dead, which doesn't really fit with what we know so far, but this is exactly the kind of thing that the writers use to mislead us.

Claire was told by a psychic that she had to be the one to raise her baby and not give it away. Now Jack and Kate are raising Aaron, and Charley is (maybe) telling Jack that he shouldn't be raising him. Does this mean Claire is still alive somewhere? Also, Desmond told Charley that by dying, he would enable Claire and the baby to get into a helicopter and leave the island. Is it possible that Claire was taken in the night and flown to the boat? But how did Aaron get left behind?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Aaron is supposed to be raised on the Island, by Claire. Thus, Jack shouldn't be raising Aaron. I bet the Island wants Aaron back! :)

As for Jack being upset at Kate... It makes perfect sense. Kate spent her whole time on the island trying to choose between Sawyer and Jack, breaking Jack's heart over Sawyer, etc. The only reason she's with Jack now is because Sawyer wouldn't leave the island. So when Jack sees her lying to him and hiding things about Sawyer, it makes sense that he would get angry. Lying is wrong anyway.

Carrin Mahmood said...

This was great. Hey did anyone notice jack's tatoo jump from his left shoulder blade to the right in the opening bathroom scene? Or am I just seeing things?

When Jack says to Kate, at the end, "you're not even related to him, does it mean that he knows he is Aaron's uncle?"

It sure explains how he goes from happy in control surgeon Jack, to jumping off the bridge Jack!

Did anyone catch a date? Is it before or after Sun has her baby and Hurly is free to move about the world?

Also...the original guy who kept repeating the sequence numbers to Hurley, was that the same guy that was the communications director on the ship?

Carrin Mahmood said...

Oh,never mind about the date question. I guess Aaron's age would indicate it is years after Sun's baby is born, (barring any time trave, and everyone leaving the island together in Sun's first or second trimester) Wow, slow justice system on Kate's case!

Jessica Knapp said...

Good recap of a complicated episode. I'm hoping all of this talk of Sawyer means the writers will start doing something with him again. I'm getting tired of watching him follow people around and make smart-ass comments. He used to be one of my favorite characters, and now, he rarely does anything interesting. I was glad when he rescued Claire and left for the beach last week ... but all of this stuff with giving Miles a "restraining order" ... Can Sawyer please get his own subplot?

Paul Levinson said...

Great comments (as always), folks!

John - well, the emphasis was more on fathers than their children in this episode (Jack as "father" to Aaron, and of course Christian to Jack, and to Claire)...

tvindy - I agree about Desmond's visions ... my guess is that, somehow, before the series ends, we'll see them come true, even though the storyline looks like it's going another way (that's what I was getting at the roller coaster point in my post)...

dube - well, I can see Jack not being happy about Kate lying, and lying about something to do with Sawyer, but it still felt to me that Jack went a little too crazy a little too fast...

sophie - good questions (I didn't pay that much attention to Jack's shoulder) ... and, yeah, about the date... :)

Jessica - I think Sawyer's moving in to be Aaron's protector ... I'm thinking Kate's devotion to Aaron is out of some love she has for Sawyer... (which would also explain Jack's problem with all of that)

Carrin Mahmood said...

I can picture Sawyer pushing Aaron into Kate's arms as she's screaming and crying,begging for him to come with them (Best cry-er since Rebecca on Cheers BTW!) A very "last helicopter out of Saigon" type of scene! Very raw and emotional, totally driving Jack crazy.

Carrin Mahmood said...

I've been thinkig about all the O-815 ers and how all their relationships intermingle. Maybe they are all each other's "constants"!

Maybe baby-Aaron is still on the island, while 2 year old-Aaron is with Kate! Perhaps he is Jack's "constant" because he is a blood relative, but he doesn't know it. The more he pushes away from Kate and Aaron, the farther he get's from what he truly wants...to get back to the island.

Picture the same helicopter scene above...Sawyer putting aaron on the chopper, and then Claire walks out with Aaron in her arms!

Paul Levinson said...

sophie -

1. yeah, that would be the scene...

2. time travel does open up an infinity of possibilities...
