22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kings Alternate History Debuts

I caught up with the two-hour debut of Kings on NBC last night (aired on March 15). From my science fictional perspective, the series feels like an alternate history, which is always welcome, especially on television. The kingdom exists in the present - there are cellphones and talk of the Internet - in a country called Gilboa and a city called Shiloh, which looks like a mix of New York and Washington. The history is ours to some unspecified point - Liszt, the 19th century pianist and composer, is explicitly mentioned, as David Shepherd, one of the lead characters, plays his music. All of this detail is enjoyable indeed.

So is the story, which thus far is a retelling of King Saul and his successor David. This puts Kings in the fine tradition of Richard III (real King, Shakespearean historical character, appearing as a circa World War II character in the riveting 1995 movie). King Silas rules like a Biblical king - no parliament - in a state that seems like Israel, in terms of size and proximity to its enemies (Gath, in this case). David is a hero who stands up, literally to a Goliath tank, and saves the King's son. He's brought to the capital, lionized, and is falling in love with the King's daughter Michelle.

Fine acting all around - especially Ian McShane (of Deadwood fame) as King Silas, and Christopher Egan as David, who looks like a young Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, and a touch of Heath Ledger. Allison Miller as Michelle was also appealing.

So we've got some attractive, compelling ingredients and possibilities in this blend of political intrigue, soap opera, alternate history, not to mention a third major character on television with the last name of Shepherd, joining Dr. Jack on Lost and Derek on Grey's, though David comes by it naturally given that the Biblical David was a shepherd. I'm looking forward to more.

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M.P. Andonee said...

Paul, I too, thoroughly enjoyed the first episode of "Kings". I was really surprised by the low ratings, but I guess Americans still like their reality TV over scripted, well-directed shows.

What impressed me where definitely the Biblical allusions (definitely a tough playground for any writer to play in), but I loved the many hints of dark undertones. Who was this other woman Kings Silas (Saul) went to see and had a son with?

Definitely, will continue to watch.

Paul Levinson said...

Yeah, the mix of ancient and current is a difficult pyramid skyscraper to climb ...

Anonymous said...

If Shiloh feels like New York, that's because it is. Ian McShane appeared on The Daily Show to promote Kings, and revealed all the scenes in Shiloh were shot in New York City (in fact I'm preety sure that is Central Park in the courtroom scenes)and Ian said that he thinks of Shiloh as a "parallel New York City." Also, the show is awesome. I like the fact that it's the princess that is dutiful in involved in her country's politics, and the prince is the child who parties.

M.P. Andonee said...

Agreed about Shiloh as NYC. I saw the interview. Also, I agree with your comment about the Princess. It looks like many storylines will flow out of that.

J.R. LeMar said...

I love this show so much that if it were a human being I would marry it. I know it's doomed on NBC, but I keep praying (to Rev. Samuels) for a miracle. Like maybe getting picked up by the Sci-Fi Channel for a second season.
