22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Heroes 3: Sylar's Redemption and Other Heroes and Villains Mergers

Heroes tonight - like, coincidentally, The Sarah Connor Chronicles tonight - continues to mine the rich, twisted vein in which heroes and villains coincide.

Sylar has been about as bad as it gets - literally opening up the brains of other heroes to acquire their power. Tonight the ever-dangerous Mrs. Petrelli reveals to Sylar that she is his real mother, and partners him up with HRG to round up the villains sprung from prison last week, due to bad (or, not so good) future Peter's intervention from the future. A bad son maybe turning good to help undue what a good son maybe a little bad from the future has wrought.

And Sylar does behave pretty heroically. But he can he curb his vampiric-like hunger for heroic brains? Well, maybe ... but HRG doesn't believe it.

Meanwhile, while on the subject of Claire's father, Claire herself discovers that she has a little evil in her - or, at very least, her desire to kill villains is not just selfless heroism, but an expression of understandable desire to strike back at those who have hurt her. I like her much better this way.

And as a nice counterweight to good and evil co-existing in the same hero, we discover tonight that Tracy Strauss played by Ali Larter is apparently not Niki/Jessica after all ... though, Micah senses some connection, even though he realized Tracy is not his mother, and it turns out Tracy and Niki/Jessica were "created" on the same day ... Well, I told you this episode of Heroes resonated with The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

But it's all good - and, hey, we have another hero who paints the future - and I'm looking forward to more of the future next week.

See also Heroes 3 Begins: Best Yet, Riddled with Time Travel and Paradox

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Anonymous said...

I remember Angela Petrelli mentioning that there was a third sister, Barbara. Have we been introduced to her yet or do the producers have yet to bring her into the storyline? Imagine if Nikki/Jessica was still alive, there'd be a trio of heroes who would actually be triplets.

Paul Levinson said...

Good point - I was thinking the same thing myself...
