22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin's Family is Not Relevant; Her Complete Lack of Experience Is

Just a note to say that I think Sarah Palin's family is not relevant to her campaign for Vice President, even if she and the Republicans hypocritically try to make family values an issue.

What counts is how a candidate has performed in prior office.

In the case of Sarah Palin, that record is insultingly thin, and utterly insufficient to be a heartbeat from a 72-year old President. Palin has no national experience, and her administrative experience in a state with a tiny population has almost no relevance to being Commander in Chief or head of anything in the United States.

That McCain and the Republicans would choose someone with such lack of experience is the most frightening part of this whole campaign. It bespeaks the contempt McCain has for the American people, and, indeed, the office of the President.


james said...

Paul: I absolutely agree. The Obama campaign should continue to stay above the fray on this. I can see her becoming a sympathetic figure as her daughter's personal story resonates with a lot of American families. I say to Dems: tread lightly here. Don't attack the daughter's personal lifestory, concentrate on the thin Palin resume and McCain's erratic, almost incoherent VP selection process.

McCain's choice of Palin to try to reinvigorate his "maverick" appeal imakes him instead appear to be a reckless, ambitious regular politician. He's insulting the voting public with this Gimmick. To claim that Palin has "military command" experience as head of the Alaska National Guard makes a 'straight talker' look like a bullshitter. Cindy McCain (on George Stephanoupous ABC show) and FOX news reporting that "Alaska's proximity to Russia" qualifies as
foreign policy experience for Palin is just clownish. Just attack the lack of experience and McCain's lack of judgment and you're home free.

Did you hear what Obama said about the Palin pregnancy as it unfolded? It is a personal issue and candidate's family should be off-limits (BTW, Obama has been preaching that position from Day 1 without much traction from his opposition -- first Hillary and recently the McCainiacs). Now that's leadership and conviction. Imagine if the tables were turned ... the GOP vultures would be circling the Obama family compound.

Eric said...

Two things: 1) Sarah Palin has 2 years of executive experience. Obama has 0.
2)If I were from Alaska, I would be very insulted by this post. Alaska is as much a state as New York or California, and I would be pissed at Democrats' attempts to brush me off as a resident of a no-name territory that doesn't really count. Also, Joe Biden's Delaware isn't exactly a population powerhouse. Delaware has a population of 864,764 to Alaska's population of 683,478, and they are ranked 45th and 47th respectively.

I usually agree with you, but I think you're Obama bias is skewing your vision here a bit.

Paul Levinson said...

Eric, two things:

1. Please tell me what relevance the executive experience as governor of a tiny (in population) state such as Alaska has to being Prez of the US? I have exec experience, too - I was Chair of my Department at Fordham for six years - does make me fit to be US President?

2. Why should the people of Alaska be insulted - there's nothing wrong with being the 47th state in terms of number of residents. It just makes its governors not experienced in what it takes to be President, given that the US is vastly more populous than Alaska.

Don't worry, I won't it against you that you don't agree with me this time... :)
