The episode was entitled "Our Father," and fathers Arthur, HRG, and Kaito played important roles. But the highpoint of the show was Hiro and his mother - or, more precisely, Hiro 10 years old in real age and mind, Hiro the adult but 10 years of age in his mind, Hiro the adult with adult memories - and his mother.
It was one of the tenderest sequences in the entire series. Hiro gets the meet his mother, whose healing powers 16 years ago are not enough to save her. But she is able to see her son, one last time, and he her, as he always wanted, and it was satisfying to see that kind of closure.
She gives Hiro her catalytic "light," as well as his memories back, but Arthur shortly takes them away, before he himself is killed. It looks as if Ando will pick up the mantle, and finally become a hero himself, though, truthfully, he's been a hero all along in his only human way.
I'm going to miss Elle, and I'd like to see a lot more of Ali Larter in whatever triplet she plays, but I'm keyed for the Fall Finale next week.
See also Heroes 3 Begins: Best Yet, Riddled with Time Travel and Paradox ... Sylar's Redemption and other Heroes and Villains Mergers ... Costa Nuclear ... Hearts of Gold and the Debased ... Seeing the Future Trumps Time Travel ... Superpowered Chess with Shifting Pieces ... Villains and Backstories ... The Redemption of Sylar ... Thoughts on the Eclipse, Part I ... The Lore of the Comic Book Store ...
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Dr. Lev, I agree 100% that the exchange between Hiro and his mother was one of the most touching moments in the series (though not quite the exchange between 24's Jack and Kim before Mason relieves Jack of his fatal duty to ensure safety to the citizens of LA).
I'm interested to see how how Ando and Hiro will be reunited next week. As you recall, Ando's supposed to "kill" Hiro at some point (I say "kill" because I feel like death is a temporary state in Heroes, a la Nathan, HRG, etc).
Otherwise, I can't wait to see what should be a great finale next week!
How the hell did Sylar stop the bullet with the Haitian right there?
Oh and OMG the Marine's body is going apeshit after he got injected with the REAL formula, lets see what interesting superpower he gets! OH it's super-strength.
This was like the ultimate bullshit deus ex machina, every conflict gets resolved instantaneously *poof* Sylar is now totally evil, so much for that internal moral conflict *poof* oh gee find Isaac Mendez secret last prophecy, since we have nothing better for these 3 losers to do *poof* Sylar gets lie-detector powers, pops up to question "Dad" and kill him *poof* Claire manages to fix everything just by talking to HRG, like she wouldn't just get shot or put in Level 5 *poof* Hiro catches a flagpole *poof* Arthur dead, catalyst gone, but hey there's a bunch of formula for Peter and Hiro to get their powers back from *poof*
Doesn't the Haitian have to will that the powers of heroes stop - it's not just his mere presence?
"The Haitian has the ability to selectively erase the memories of anyone he wishes." - Wikipedia
Otherwise, I guess different strokes for different folks about your dislike of Heroes...
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