1. The debates were among the best so far. The Republicans often look as if they they're on life support, but we were as lively as I've seen them last night. All of the Democrats were fine. See my analysis last night.
2. CNN's move sticks it to Fox, which is hosting a rump session of the Republican candidates tonight - with a shortened field of candidates that excludes Ron Paul. Bizarre and inexplicable and outrageous, given Ron Paul's 10% showing in the Iowa caucuses.
Anyone who missed the debates last night would certainly do much better to watch them on CNN tonight than look at Fox's sham.
Frankly, I saw the debates last night, and will likely watch CNN, anyway...
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Personally, I've always watched Fox as opposed to any other network news, considering myself conservative and all. Fox was the alternative to 'liberal' media, but after seeing how they treated Ron Paul, CNN is getting a whole new 'fresh' look from me. I used to think it was CNN pushing an agenda. Now I'm wondering if I was wrong and it is in-fact Fox. It is quite a change-about.
You never thought Fox was pushing an agenda? Wow. That could be the biggest admission of blatant stupidity I've heard someone admit in a long time. Granted, CNN has an agenda too, as does every media outlet. The difference is that FOX has no journalistic value. They don't report facts, they report opinion.
BAHAHAH dillweed. couldn't have said it better myself about concerned citizen up there. everyone's got an agenda, keep your guard up.
@ Dillweed: Uh, dude, how about let's not scare away a possible convert by being rude and insulting.
But yeah, I agree with your second paragraph. Every media has an agenda and a certain bias, but many networks at least attempt to achieve a certain amount of neutrality (not always successful, but...). Fox, on the other hand -- wow, I actually started laughing.
Take a look at Fox New's focus group for post debate commentary.
Look familiar?
yeah well the truth hurts. How can anyone not see that move organizations has an agenda....especially Fox News.
Well as I always say, never underestimate the stupidity of the average Fox News viewer. I work with educated people and some of them are so addicted to Fox they have broken off the dial on their TV so it stays on that channel 24/7. Needless to say in my conversations with them, their world view of current events is....oh let me be diplomatic here....uhm interestingly different?
The only time I've seen a people so loyal to a single channel is mexican immigrants who watch just Telemundo all day long.
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