22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Obama Girl's Back! And Batman, Too...

It might make a difference ...

Ben Relles and the gang at BarelyPolitical.com are getting back in the ring, with another deftly written, delightful political video. This one picks up on Rocky (and Rambo) ...

Among the best attractions -

.Obama Girl (Amber Lee Ettinger) looks at the ring, as two younger, not-quite-champion boxers are training .... One of them is Spitzer Girl...

.The clueless Hillary team, trying to bring down Obama Girl, laments that she denied their MySpace request... one of them also mentions "YouTunes"...

.The aged Truman Girl comes on as her trainer...

.Guiliani Girl lends a hand...

And much more...

With the race tightening up, this video can only help...

And holy spoof, check this BarelyPolitical.com vid from just the day before yesterday, and also Obama Girl's pithy response to New Hampshire...

See also The Barely Political Revolution


dawn said...

Paul ,
your wife and I are woman hence always right!!! I think you are obsessed with Obama girl, but your right on the point of it's good to have 2 candidates. I would just love to see the look on the faces of some of the mid east leaders when they would have to deal with a woman. I think it's called payback. Have a great day

Anonymous said...

Ha! Go Dawn - you tell him!!

Paul Levinson said...

:) Dawn and real wife - not obsessed, just cogent political analysis ...

But I do agree that it would be good for Middle East leaders to deal with a woman in the White House...

It would also be good for them to deal with an African American President...
