22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary Edges Out Obama in NH: Why, As An Obama Supporter, I'm Not Too Unhappy

Well, Hillary Clinton edged out Barack Obama in the New Hampshire Democratic primary tonight. Although I'm an Obama supporter, I'm not really too unhappy about this, because:

1. I was moved by Hillary's emotional moment yesterday - I like seeing humanity in our Presidential candidates - and I was infuriated by the small-hearted, soulless response of some conservatives such as Bill Kristol on Fox News.

2. I think a woman in the White House would be almost as powerful a correction of an historic American injustice as an African-American President.

3. I like seeing pollsters and pundits proven wrong in their confident predictions - it shows that, in the end, the American people not the media decide who will serve in our public offices.

Meanwhile, Obama can hold his head up high. He won in Iowa and came in a close second in New Hampshire. He gave another great, inspiring speech tonight. I would be very happy with an Obama-Clinton ticket, and almost as happy with a Clinton-Obama combination.

As for the Republicans, I was disappointed that Ron Paul did not best Giuliani for 4th place, but Ron Paul did come close - which shows, once again, the dangerous folly of Fox News in excluding Ron Paul from Sunday's debate, and including Fred Thompson, who came a distant sixth in New Hampshire's Republican primary tonight.

Fox made this decision based on the national polls ....

Hmmm ... polls ... not worth all that much as valid measurements of voters, are they...

See also

Hillary's Tears

I'm Voting for Barack Obama


MC said...

You should watch this video Paul... Fox News may have been slightly complicit with rigging their own polling via Frank Luntz.


dawn said...

Hi Paul,
I am glad Hilary won, you know I have been trying to make up my mind and she has come along way this week. She seems like a real person now who has real passions for this country that I haven't seen before. Also and this might be a selfish reason but I would like in this lifetime to see a female president. I always thought it would be Ann Richards. I donot see another woman now or in the near future as strong as Hillary. I also thought Barak was getting alittle cocky with the win. I like his message but I keep hearing it over and over and don't see the substance. I guess we will have to wait for Feb. 5th.

Paul Levinson said...

Matt - Thanks - I'll check it out.

Dawn - you are my wife are amazingly similar ... :)

I'm feeling a lot better about Hillary, but I still like Obama better.

Nothing wrong having two fine candidates to choose from...
