Now, I saw the second episode of this final season of The Wire as soon as it went On Demand, on HBO. That would be Monday. And I was going to wait until after the regular HBO showing this Sunday to talk about it .... But, hey, you only live once, it's too good for me to wait any longer to talk about, so, here it is, with a spoiler warning:
You'll be in for a treat. Avon Barksdale is back in the game! Ok, he's still in prison, but Marlo comes to talk to Avon, 'cause Marlo needs some help with some Greek or Russian (the crooks involved in the dock business from the 2nd Season), so Marlo comes to seek Avon's help.
Now, sure, I wished it was Stringer. He was the ultimate brains of the Barksdale crew, but Avon is no dummy, and, in fact, he always saw some things even more clearly than Stringer, since Avon was not complicated by the intellectual complexity that Stringer brought to every decision. It would have been great to have Idris Elba back on the screen as Stringer, but, hey, Wood Harris as Avon is fine, too.
I won't go over the details of the conversation - it was actually two conversations - but Marlo is certainly willing to pay Avon $100,000 for his help. And this is far from settled. I predict - easy prediction - that only one of them will be left standing by the end of this final season.
The other good thing about this episode is what McNulty is willing to do to get the cops focused again, after the budget-mandated cuts of last week. Let's just say maybe McNulty is watching Dexter....
No, he's not a serial killer, but ...
See ya next time!
See also The Wire's Back! Review of Season 5 Episode 1 and Episode 3: McNulty and Marlo ... 4. One Down ... 5. Media Chasing Their Own Tales and Tails ... 6. Superman Omar and Tall Stories ... 7. King of Diamonds ... 8. Two Down ... 9. Cold, Killer Sweetheart ... 10. The Wire Bows out Gracefully
The Plot to Save Socrates
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OMG I didn't see it yet but now I can't wait. i liked Stringer but he was all business and Avon is street. I think Avon will prevail , he's made it this far and someone has to take Marlo down. I can't remember the gay thugs name but he may come back and mess with all of them . Any thoughts?
Absolutely Omar will be back, and will play a decisive role. If I remember correctly, he has more against Marlo than against Avon....
I got the impression that Avon was toying with Marlo. Maybe hedging his bets a little and playing himself dumber than he really is, but banking on Marlo ruffling too many feathers to be around for the long haul.
If anyone takes down Omar it's going to either Chris or Michael. In the wargames that Marlo's crew played towards the end of season four, Michael demonstrated that he was savvy enough to aim below the line of a bullet proof vest. I reckon he'll put one in Omar's gut.
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