Kyle, of course, is John Connor's father and Derek Reese's brother. He was the heart and soul, in many ways, of the very first Terminator movie. Last night, we get to see Kyle and Derek in the future, along, with Martin Bedell (memorably played by Will Rothhaar).
Bedell is leading a mission to save John Connor and other prisoners. Kyle and Derek are his right-hand men. Skynet would love to wipe Bedell out of existence, so the mission never existed.
Skynet sents an Arnold-type terminator back to 2008 - a very nice touch, since it was of course the original Arnold who was hunting Sarah in the first Terminator movie. Excellent action as young Bedell and older Derek beat the terminator in 2008, with young John Connor's help. Also a fine little time-travel loop here, as the experience of killing this terminator convinces Bedell not to leave military school.
Sarah gets in some good time with another Martin Bedell in 2008 - a younger boy with the same name. I wonder if he'll have some role in the future. And Catherine Weaver reveals herself, once again, as the deadly liquid terminator model she is, while drawing Agent Ellison into the process. (He says "nucular" rather than "nuclear" at some point ... first non-obviously-Republican I've heard say this, but that's another story.)
And in the future ... well I won't tell you what happens to Bedell, if you haven't yet seen this episode.
Suffice to say it's one of the best episodes this season, in what is continuing to be a top-notch season indeed.
See also 2.1 Cameron's Back ... 2.2 Firing on All Cylinders ... 2.3 Who, Truly, Is Agent Ellison? ... 2.4: Meet Allison ... 2.6: Terminator Mom, Human Daughter, Questions
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1 comment:
Heh... I'm pretty sure people have been mispronouncing "nuclear" that way for a good long while - it's certainly something I've heard more than once here in the UK.
But anyway, yeah, this was a good, action-packed episode, but the thing I liked most about it - aside from the awesome terminator effects as the boys dismantled the blighter - was the moment when Cameron picked out "The Wizard Of Oz" as John's favourite book, and I had a moment of "Oh, wow, I knew I recognised the name Baum from somewhere"
The emotional poignance of Sarah finally getting to have a proper mother/son relationship, or at least a stab at one, was nice. It ties into the theme of the character herself being humanised a little, as she draws closer to the pregnant girl next door.
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