22 December 2024: The three latest written interviews of me are here, here and here.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Judd Gregg Deserves No Respect

I've got to say I have no respect for Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH), who just withdrew as President Obama's Commerce Secretary nominee.

Gregg says he realized he couldn't be a team player in the Obama administration, much as he admired the President.

The truth, obviously, is something else: The Republicans, including Gregg, have abandoned Obama's stimulus package, passed in different forms by the House and the Senate, which will soon vote on a bill both houses of Congress can agree upon.

The Republicans, who are most responsible for our economic mess, are now doing their best to see that nothing constructive is done to address it. They're hoping Obama fails. They think this is their best path back to the White House, and to majorities in the House and the Senate.

In fact, it's a sure path to further misery.

Gregg actually did Obama and the nation a big favor by withdrawing. His administration and therefore our country will be far better off without this obstructionist GOP loser.


Anonymous said...

100% agreed. According to the White House's statement (http://tinyurl.com/covoj6), this schmuck actually approached *them* to ask for the job - then dropped out like a coward when it became clear that working for Obama meant, y'know, working for Obama. We're all better off without him.

libhom said...

This kind of sleazy politics makes the GOP look bad. The fact that this is part of a pattern of Republicans trying to block action when our economy is in trouble only makes it look worse.

james said...

Paul: the hypocrisy of the GOP just astounds me. where were all these fiscally responsible conservatives in 2001 when Bush passed the over a trillion dollars of tax cuts? or when Bush asked for billions for a phony war in Iraq (i think the new math puts the actual dollars spent on Iraq close to $800 billion ... a very familiar number these days)? or the ill-conceived stimulus bill in early 2008? or the botched bailout #1 (Fannie May/Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, AIG)? or the September 2008 The Economy is going to Hell we need a Monster Bailout (aka TARP)?
these red state scoundrels and their naive insurgency (their characterization, not mine) is an example of their true unpatriotic, unAmerican values ... to paraphrase one of the leaders of this GOP insurgency John McCain: party first, country last!! out in the wilderness the Repubs are still in "Same Shit, Different Day" mode.
